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It's cleaning day - (yippee!) ߘ

While I generally dread it, I have to admit when I am cleaning my mind has time to work on problems and issues and the process is always accompanied by numerous prayers. Right now in my life - and so today - I especially needed these two found from the link below.

3. A prayer for concentration: “I have important work to do in this moment, God. Please help me focus solely on the task at hand. Show me how to concentrate well so I can make good progress. Remove all other concerns from my mind during this time I’ve dedicated to accomplish this task. I’m grateful for this powerful mind you have given me, and I commit to using it well. If anyone interrupts me or anything distracts me while I’m trying to concentrate, please bring my mind back to my work. Steady my attention so I can bring this task to completion well. Amen.”

4. A prayer for inspiration: “God, I need your guidance right now. So many thoughts are running through my mind that I can’t focus on what I’m trying to do. Keep me from getting sidetracked or stuck. Please give me the focus I need to perceive your messages to me, so I can be inspired with new ideas about where to go from here with this task. Thank you for refreshing my mind with your wisdom as I focus on listening to you. Amen.”

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