R. A. Schultz






Having apparently arrived somewhat belatedly at the realization that they were going to get their asses kicked come November, a sufficient number of Democrat-Socialists awoke from their neo-Bolshevik fever dream to vote for a non-Bernie candidate whom, they presume, will have not only a better chance of beating Trump in November, but will also not be as utterly indefensible for their down-ballot people as Bernie would have been.




Although a lot of DemSocs, particularly those Establishment swamp creatures, are breathing a sigh of relief today, their troubles are by no means over.  The Democrat-Socialist Sanders is breathing down the neck of their fair-haired, lame-brained hero, and will still likely force the nomination into a brokered DNC convention, where all bets will be off, and virtually anyone can emerge as the sacrificial lamb candidate who will be eaten alive by Trump.  While at this very moment it’s true that the DemSocs’ down-ballot chances are brighter than they were a day ago, they’re still in for a rough slog, especially if a now-angry Sanders emerges as the nominee!




20200304 ~ RAS


Safari Woman
All I can say is, stock up on popcorn. This is going to be a hell of a show. (hell - literally)
  • March 5, 2020
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