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7/12/19 For over four months I've had a condition starting in my left ankle that has been loosely diagnosed as tendonitis.

I've followed all doctor orders, gone to numerous physical therapies, done my own at home stretching and exercises to find I am not improving much over the past three months.

I refuse to live with this.

Here is where I am going to collect information and log things I try and do to eventually BEAT THIS CONDITION. 

In one of the articles below it is listed as a dynamic rather than a focused area condition. The more I study on this aspect of it, the more convinced I am this is the right thinking. Also I am finding Ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic I used shortly before getting this tendonitis seemingly by simply from stepping off a curb, has been known to cause it. 

UPDATE 7/24/19 I am finally starting to be able to go down steps without so much pain. I am very suspicious that Cipro caused my tendonitus. I was taking it up to a few days before this happened. Because it is a medicine I've taken regularly I think past issues may have also been caused by the same drug. I won't take this chance by taking it again.

My approach at this date is going to be the icing techniques of submersion, following up with more physical therapies that include A-Stem, Massage, Stretching, upping my nutritional intakes of things like Vitamin D and magnesium, AND I am going to start taking my noni fruit leather again on a daily basis for the inflammation.

I will write about this again in more detail upcoming. 

Mary Ann
I’ve had that pain which moves from a 1 to a three level. Crazy as it sounds my pain is gone since I am consuming fresh ground flax seed. It might have something to do with your digestion and your gut bacteria. Good luck. Might be worth a try. Whole flax seed is cheap.
  • July 13, 2019
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Mary Ann
Maybe not so crazy as nerve endings are in our feet.
  • July 13, 2019
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Wanda Hope Carter
Hi Mary Ann. Thanks or the tip! - I will definitely look into flax seeds! I remember taking those many years ago for something - but I don't recall for what though.
  • July 14, 2019
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