The Soros Manipulation of Communists is a Family Affair, and by communists, in America that includes many Democrats and even a few Republicans! 

George Soros is known for the multitude of groups with a far left leanng that he financially enables. 

Recently reports about his son socializing with the very same leaders of the Democrat party that his father has led around by the nose for so long have come forward. 

Following are a few photos and articles related.

So even though George looks like death eating a cracker as if he might keel over any day now, just remember "Only the good die young" and even when he goes, his seed will likely continue to eat away at our society just like his dear old dad. 

Alex Soros has been called a Hamptons hell raiser, so lets start this journey with an image of his son at a spirit cooking party. Maybe that's all you need to know. 

And if that isn't enough, you can always tell a lot about someone by the company he keeps.

Snakes behind the glass.

More may be added to this as items come along. In the mean time don't forget we have strong enemies but our God is greater than all evil. 


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