Sometimes it pays to read more than the headline. 

"Dems Push Back Against California Gov Jerry Brown's Newest Climate Crusade" was a hopeful click bait for me. My hope didn't last long. Just a few paragraphs down the article states, " Brown’s full-throated push to shoehorn a cap and trade program requiring companies to purchase permits before releasing greenhouse gasses is causing Democrats in the state to recoil. They worry that the governor’s efforts could thrust already vulnerable lawmakers out of the frying pan and into the fire." 

So basically, they aren't doing it because it is the right thing to do, they aren't doing it to save tax payers money (for now) and they aren't doing it because it is the will of their constituents. They are doing it to save their own ass when the next election comes up. 

But Californians, I guess should be happy to get this reprieve regardless of the reason why. Or will paid protestors from across the country line up to do Jerry Brown's bidding? The article also says, " Brown’s office remains defiant. He wants to move quickly on the proposal, and has shown a willingness to paint opponents of both the gas tax increase and cap and trade as supporters of Republican President Donald Trump."

Ya know, when Democrats act like this, that makes being a Trump supporter not nearly as insulting as Brown might think. 

Californians, I implore you to deprogram yourselves and come to the light. Or, be thankful for your "Representatives" power mongering greed and vote them in again. THEN, you will get your cap and trade tax. 

Happy Now?

Walter D.
California would do us a favor if it succumbs to the big one and drifts out to sea.
  • May 29, 2017
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