I am blogging for one reason only, to register a complaint about the movie, Killing Jesus. 

I watched it without much enthusiasm as I noticed quite a few variances along the way but it was the end that really made me angry. 


In the movie, Pilate refused to put guards around Jesus's tomb and when it was revisited and Jesus was gone, the entire message of Jesus rising and overcoming death was MISSING. 

The last scene shows Peter on his boat fishing and praying for fish. When he catches some he declares Jesus is with them but Jesus never actually apprears in the scene. 

Without the fulfilled promise of death and resurection, there is no Easter, and there is in fact little to no Christianity! 

I'm attaching a better description of the crimes of the film below written by John Rothra. I just wanted to get my two cents in. I will never watch this blasphemy again.  

Copyright 2017 Wanda Hope Carter all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved, no duplication, downloading, publishing, or any use other than sharing a link is permitted without express written permission and other copyrights may also apply.

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