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The Women's March that occurred around the USA on January 21, 2017 disgusted and offended me. These women have decided their entire identity is based on their female body parts rather than any other qualifications of humanity that might give them merit. As a person who broke into more than one field dominated by men and after working my way through the stereotypical treatment of women in the seventies and eighties, to see this debasement of all women for the actions of a few, those who can't think outside of their uterus apparently, truly angers me.  

This is the exact opposite of actions that would bring dignity and support the rights of women and is rather demeaning and debasing to those of us who can hold our own in mental and physical capacities outside of the functions of our sex organs. In the seventies women struggled to be seen as anything but a sexual creature and now that is all these so called feminists can think about. Who has brainwashed these females into thinking that this kind of display will bring respect? 

If you want respect, act respectfully, excel at your job, excel at taking care of yourself and your family, excel at how you treat others. Putting your head inside of a hideous looking costume that is supposed to be representative of a vagina is not the way to go. Believe me; only the others in your uniform will see you as anything but disgusting and ridiculous. 

And did anyone but me see the irony of these women demanding the government pay for their abortions while peering out of a vagina or from beneath a "P_ussy Hat?" They obviously were granted life and entered the world through this magical portal, unlike the unborn they demand to slaughter for their convenience.

Beyond this is the fact that so many of their messed up ideas are based on lies, false perceptions and their selfish demands for the world to pay for their birth control is not showing strength. It is showing dependence, if not on a man then on a government. If the point of feminism is not to ensure women have the right to be independent then what is it? You can't scream for equality while wearing a disguise of the one thing that makes you different.

IMHO this was nothing but sore losers using identity politics' ploys to tear people apart and pitch one side against the other and in this case while all the time displaying those who support it as ridiculous idiots AT BEST and dangerous to themselves and others AT WORSE. I'm sorry but if you can't do better than this, next time PLEASE don't embarrass the rest of us women with your mentally deranged activities. PLEASE just stay home where focusing on your vagina and only your vagina can be done behind closed doors. 


Well maybe this one sign drawn by a toddler can be called good for having the best message on a sign at any of the events. 

Too BAD he was exposed to so much UGLY at such an early age by being there. 

Also GOOD for a laugh was Steven Crowder appearing at the march as a Tranny, which apparently the delusional attendees fell for lock stock and barrel.

I can think of nothing else really good about any of the rest of it, so lets move on to the BAD. 


Linda Sarsour was the Co Chair of the March, and has been reported by many to have links to Hamas. Frankly, I don't know if the dots connected by those who make this claim are legitimate concerns or not, but what I do know is she has worked to shuffle in her activism for her homeland, Palestine along with the rest of the popular current "civil rights" groups like black lives matter and frequently promotes Sharia law in the USA. Of course, under Sharia law what women has to say is equal half of what men have to say and women are basically possessions of men under their full authority. In countries ruled by Sharia law women can not even drive and in many they can't attend school. How this point is lost on those out sporting their genitalia costumes and pretending to be for womens' rights is beyond me. It is for promoting Sharia law that I have listed her under the BAD category. 

Linda was also joined by CAIR SFBA Director Zahra Billoo at the march, and again, what floors me is how unattached from the persons in attendance of the march the support of Sharia law is and how easily the attendees dismiss the glaring fact that Sharia is an oppressor of women not an emancipator. 

Less reported and possibly even worse than Linda the Sharia promoting Co-chair of the march, was Donna Hylton appearing as a celebrated speaker. Donna Hylton is an ex convict who was in prison for being involved with the kidnapping, rape, torture, murder and randsoming of a sixty year old gay man. She was there to advocate for women of color. Apparently her psychopathic treatment of a gay man went over the heads of the gays, transvestites, transgenders and their supporters among the crowd in attendance which just goes to show how hypocritical or completely clueless those participating truly were.

And no BAD list on this topic would be complete without mentioning the social engineering billionaire George Soros who is linked through donations to over fifty of the groups involved with the march. Soros is a meddler in American politics and has recently been most well known for his financing Black Lives Matter and other groups that have rioted and disrupted the peace. If you aren't familiar with good ole George, you might want to check this link out to see just how powerful his manipulations of American society has really been. He also backed Obama, Clinton and many other progressive candidates over the years. 


There is so much that could be covered, in fact one might could write a book about the appearance of the slutty objectifying Madonna who planted the seed of bombing the white house into these mentally unstable minds, Michael Moore's speech, and the Judd rant among many other reports of outrageous progressive insanity.

One of the biggest jokes of the entire event was how these people complained about their perception of Trump statements about women being demeaning while going far and beyond anything he could have ever said to demean themselves. But for lack of time to go into all of the many embarrassing events, appearances and the ridiculous messaging, I think, I'll just leave these right here:

One last thing to those who participated. PLEASE, next time you decide to do something like this, refine the name of your march to what it really is, a Pan-Progressive Idiotic Women's March and leave the rest of us out of it. I have worked too hard and too long to have my reputation as a woman who has actually done something to improve the image and rights of women drug down to your level by association!

Copyright 2017 AKA SafariWoman all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved. No publication, duplication or other use other than sharing a link to this article is permitted. 

I don't know which was more disgusting to me; this march or the human/pig hybrid article I just read.
  • January 27, 2017
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Safari Woman
I think this is more disgusting but the pig story is much more horrific!
  • January 27, 2017
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The march will be remembered for Madonna, Ashley Judd, the vagina ladies and the insulting signs.

What was the purpose of the march? I still don't know and neither do they!

All that time, energy and resources....for naught.
  • January 27, 2017
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Carl Spencer
Speaking as a conservative male, I can tell you not to worry, that we know the difference between strong women and these who flaunt their foolishness and weaknesses.
  • January 27, 2017
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Agree, and I certainly raised my sons to think the same way. Those 'women' do NOT represent me, and I find them pretty dang offensive. Where in the world is their self-respect? How do they expect someone else to respect them when they do garbage like that?
  • January 27, 2017
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William Davis Hall
Lati went to the real Women's march in Washington yesterday to march for Life. I can't stand to look at these pictures.
  • January 28, 2017
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Pretty certain picture #8 was of Madonna. "She" used to have normal teeth. lol
  • January 29, 2017
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