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Moonlight Baptism at Vilano Beach

By Wanda Hope Carter




I stood on the beach in the dark of night

with nothing but the moon and stars for light,

then tore off my clothes and ran down to the water

returning home as the ocean’s daughter.

I swam out in life’s soup as far as I could

and gazed back at the land to where my house stood

with no fear of the waves splashing overhead

as they lifted me up and I surfed through my bed.

I floated around staring up at the sky

to give thanks for life while preparing to die

before diving deep into darkness below

then floating up slowly as I spiritually let go.

I made peace with my maker and swam back to shore

where I played in the tide getting washed to the core

until I was clean mind, body and soul

and when I stood up I was once again whole.

I spun in the night air and ran briskly to dry

when joy overcame me and I started to cry

until at last I got dressed and ended my prayer

feeling safe and happy to be in God's care.


©2016 Wanda Hope Carter all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved, no copying, pasting, publishing, framing, archiving, downloading or other use without express written permission.

That's beautiful Wanda. Some poetry makes little sense to me but this, this was easily understood and touching.
  • July 15, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thank you! I'm actually still tweaking this poem - I found a few errors - better words already - and changed the title to Moonlight Baptism at Vilano Beach. I can say, this is a true story - played out more than once.  
  • July 15, 2016
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✞★❤Lati Hall❤★✞
I really like this! I would be scared to go in the ocean at night! I am even scared to go in during the day. I am afraid of sharks.
  • July 16, 2016
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Sarah Paskowitz
I love your poem but I am like Lati, I would be scared to go in at night! Nope, you won't find me in any water except a swimming pool, a tub or a jacuzzi at night!
  • July 16, 2016
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cool poem!
  • July 30, 2016
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