This is a lovely account as written by David J. Shestokas and found on his website. The introduction found on the about page of his site begins: 

"In August, 2008, I started writing for an online magazine,  My first venture into online writing was about deferring capital gains taxes.  In September, 2008 I started doing short articles related to the criminal justice system.  Among them was a piece about police searches of automobiles, involving search and seizure issues and the Bill of Rights 4th Amendment.    From the comments, it became clear that many Americans did not have a deep understanding of their rights.

I began writing primarily on constitutional and legal issues, trying to convey the essence in a non-lawyerly way.  I often used my mother as my editor (mom’s now 83). If I could make sense to her, it would make sense to others.[1]  As I wrote about the Constitution, comments I received demonstrated a desire for knowledge and the incompleteness of American education about the foundation of our government."

You will find many essays on the topics of the constitution at his site, and the 7 parts of this series Birthing the Declaration of Independence, are linked below->

William Davis Hall
Thank you. I read three of them and plan to read the rest. Nice site.
  • March 20, 2016
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Walter D.
bookmarked thanks
  • March 21, 2016
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