All of the following can be found in the book;

"You Know Something is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", by Anna Maria Riezinger & James Clinton Belcher, pgs 189-192

The Number One National Security Risk: Ignorance.

That's right. Our most urgent security concern is our own ignorance. That is what makes us vulnerable and a prey to monsters. Except for ignorance, not one of the deceits exposed here (the whole book referred to above) would last as long as a snowball in the sun. The perpetrators wouldn't even try to foist off their ploys. We'd know better, so they'd know better, and we could all get get on with doing our jobs in life.

So, why are we ignorant?

Cause One

Public Schools operated outside local control To paraphrase Malcolm X---- only a fool let's his enemies educate his children. While the federal government is not supposed to be our enemy, it is a foreign entity with it's own axes to grind. The current state of ignorance about our government, treaties, laws and history is the result of federal "State" franchises taking over education, and more and more federal encroachment into the education process. The result has been inexorable "dumbing down" of the American People, so as to more readily manipulate, control and defraud us.

Cause Two

Over the last two decades thousands of American American news media outlets have been bought up and placed under new management, with the results that only six corporations and 272 executives control 90% of the media: television, radio, and newspapers. This leads to monopoly conditions in the market place and the boring sameness that we are all-too familiar with. Worse, all six of these major media corporations are foreign-owned. As above---- only a fool lets his media resources be owned and operated by foreigners.

The Number Two National Security Risk: Mercenary Armies Disguised as Government Agencies.

Over the course of the Obama Administration, there has been an insane build up and stockpiling of arms on American soil by "federal agencies". As you now know, these agencies are only service providers --- corporate subcontractors, not legitimate public agencies at all.

In buying billions (that's billions with a "B") of rounds of ammunition for these agencies including BATFE, IRS, FEMA, FBI, NSA, DHS, and a general proliferation in the number of agencies, the Obama Administration has been in effect creating commercial mercenary armies in our midst. (think: Blackwater)

Federal employees are NOT allowed to have the free run of the land jurisdiction and they are certainly NOT allowed to be armed and swaggering around paramilitary style. This includes "State" and "local' police forces, which are in fact all employed under the corporate umbrella.

The only "federal" agents allowed free egress on state soil are the U.S. Marshals---- and only when they are sworn to uphold The Constitution for the united States of America, and in pursuit of their duty to protect the U.S. Mail... PERIOD.

The Number Three National Security Risk: Bar Associations Run as Criminal Cartels.

Instead of functioning as they should to promote and enforce high professional and ethical standards, the Bar Associations have forced their members to commit personage and barratry to plunder both public and private assets.

We have held these private institutions in ill-deserved esteem, and have mis-placed the public trust in them to operate according to the treaties and charters which allow them to exist on our shores. Clearly they have operated as criminal syndicates, and deserve to be permanently outlawed.

For those who do not understand that "their police forces", and indeed all the various "government agencies" are in fact corporations, please explain away the Dun and Bradstreet numbers of US Corporations and it's agencies. I will give you but one for your edifaction;

Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) - 878865674

A fuller, but by no means complete, listing can be found pgs 267- 269 in the above referenced book, including those for cities, States and indeed, the United Nations. 





I thought I read this and commented. Ignorance? Wasn't that it?

Well, if it wasn't, I think it is! But what accounts for people like my in-laws. They have money, multiple homes, cars and trucks, Stanford Educations, booming careers (now retired) ........and they are such F'n liberals that we ca...
  • December 27, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
What would explain this? The Hegelian Dialectic, or "divide and conquer" if you please.
Also, you have to "give" the unwashed masses (even a university grad is considered a "useful idiot" by those running the show) two "teams" to root for, to fight for. Jump on one of those "Bandwagons"... or acknowl...
  • December 28, 2015
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