How long will our military, our representatives, and our judges continue to allow this usurper to stay in office?  Until we have been completely bankrupted?  Until all our guns have been confiscated "for our well being"?  Until the majority of our soldiers have died in Afghanistan?  How long is too long before holding this man accountable for his treasonous actions?   Here is the latest traitorous thing he has done.  I do believe that the Constitution defines treason as giving aid and succor to the enemy.  Since when have we been in cahoots with the Taliban?  With Hamas?  With the Muslim Brotherhood - oh, excuse me, there are 3 members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House as I write who act as advisers to 0bama!  I guess the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of Hamas is no longer important since 0bama sanctions their presence and their advice here in Washington. 

Please view this video and you decide!  Do we simply turn our heads and look the other way, or do we start petitions all across the country?  Not just for the arrest and trial of 0bama for his many flagrant misdeeds as the president, but that we petition out States to stand up to this fake and usurper and call the man what he is - a TRAITOR.  Since when is Israel our enemy, and since when do we ask our enemies to brocker a peace deal with Israel? 

I think 0bama is too chicken to talk to Netanyahu face-to-face, so he has called upon Morsi to do his dirty work for him instead of standing up to the Muslim world and insisting upon a cease fire!    Think he hasn't committed treason?  If Benghazi wasn't bad enough - view this:  http://www.westernjournal...

I guess he also forgot that this same Muslim has called for the ruin of the United States from within.  They couldn't have a better person in place to do that, now could they?


Sarah Paskowitz
Hello, I believe Israel has every right to defend itself. I don't know a lot about foreign policy unfortunately but it is clear even to someone like myself that Obama has nurtured the Muslims with favoritism. 
  • November 23, 2012
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Safari Woman
"The chosen one" has never rang more true.
  • November 23, 2012
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Kevin McSheen
Having egypt broker a truce between hamas and Israel is like asking a wolf to broker a truce between a coyote and a chicken.
  • November 24, 2012
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Alice Annette Schultz
It sure is, Kevin!
  • November 25, 2012
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William Davis Hall
I recently saw a webiste that listed the number of things Obama could be charged with treason for. It was a long list. Unless there are major changes in the Senate in 2014 I don't think this or any of the others matter except to people like us.
  • November 25, 2012
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Alice Annette Schultz
If you read my blog, you may have a better inkling what is wrong with DC and the whole gang up there on the Hill.  I hate to say it is all of them, including the Supremes, but I am convinced it is all inclusive.
  • February 27, 2013
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L.A. Nunn
Let's rock & roll. Get these people who are responsible for the treachory that is "The U.S. Government"!
  • February 27, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
That's going to mean every last one of the, kiddo, and I say more power to the people!  Amen.
  • February 27, 2013
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