Hope and change has left us with no hope and a change for the worst. Corrupt politicians using division to get elected, has driven the country to the brink of a civil war. Our corrupt lame stream media insures that the truth necessary to effect the change needed will not be forthcoming. With the confirmation of Yellen, the doors  to our Treasury will remain open to purchase the votes necessary to put back in place the corrupt politicians that will take this country down. The Tea Party, our last hope to get the country back on track has been stopped in its' tracks by a corrupt IRS, in conjunction with republican and democrat propaganda needed to demonize it into extinction.

The task at hand now is not who we elect in the next election cycle, but what system of government will rise from the ashes of our great country. Now is the time to organize and prepare in order to insure that it returns as a full constitutional republic as our founding fathers intended. The will to do this is not here now, but as the pain misery increases, I believe the American people will finally see through the propaganda and begin to make the correct decisions.

They say about alcoholics that they have to hit bottom before they can begin to rebuild. I believe that in the case of the nation also. We're going to have to really hurt. Those at the bottom of the feeding chain will have to be willing to comply with conservative values and I think they will. ...
  • January 7, 2014
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What can we be doing? I didn't know that much about Frank Luntz. I have seen what he is talking about since before Romney. If he is such a good public opinion taker he should have seen it sooner.
  • January 8, 2014
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Carl Spencer
I believe it may take as many generations to heal it as it has taken to destroy it.
  • January 8, 2014
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Dale Barnes
We are in flames and something will rise up but what it will look like is anybody's guess.
  • January 10, 2014
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