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I like many of his fiscal policies and ideas, but he scares me on foreign policy and legalizing drugs...he has some pretty strong liberal social views...kinda like his dad....
On the matter of ISIS, presumed GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has embraced the same revisionist history promoted by Democrats, blaming Republican “hawks” for the group’s rise and expansion. “ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the ...
On the matter of ISIS, presumed GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has embraced the same revisionist history promoted by Democrats, blaming Republican “hawks” for the group’s rise and expansion. “ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the hawks in our party, who gave arms indiscriminately, and most of those arms were snatched up by ISIS,”
Paul told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough. If this is the senator’s conclusion, he hasn’t been paying attention to world events of the last several years very closely. If he had, he would recognize that Republicans “hawks,” sidelined throughout much of Obama’s tenure, have had minimal influence on the foreign policy debacles that have given rise to ISIS. Rather, it was Obama and Hillary Clinton who ran the show during this time, independent of any Republican input. And America is facing the disastrous national security ramifications as a result.
Paul continued,
These hawks also wanted to bomb Assad, which would have made ISIS’s job even easier. They created these people. ISIS is all over Libya because these same hawks in my party loved—they loved Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya. They just wanted more of it, but Libya’s a failed state, and it’s a disaster. Iraq really is a failed state, or a vassal state now of Iran. So everything that they’ve talked about in foreign policy, they’ve been wrong about for twenty years, and yet they have somehow the gall to keep saying and pointing fingers otherwise.
I totally agree.....No difference.....sounds like a Democrat to me.....blaming the US for everything while ISIS slaughter all cristians as fast as they can.....small children and women.....they could care less...they truly have no compassion at all for humanity..Obama and the Dems just sit back and ...
I totally agree.....No difference.....sounds like a Democrat to me.....blaming the US for everything while ISIS slaughter all cristians as fast as they can.....small children and women.....they could care less...they truly have no compassion at all for humanity..Obama and the Dems just sit back and watch it happen...they're failing to arm the Kurds that are more than willing to take on these horrendous barbarians...Paul sounds no different to me......
Thanks! I'll have to look into him more. I've seen things he stood up for that I've agreed with lately but I haven't really spent time looking at anyone's total positions.
I picked Ted if I had to vote for one right this minute. But subject to change! I think he is sincere about the constitution at least as far as I can tell up until now.
I agree with you...I like Cruz allot, but I do wish he would have served out his senate term....I think he and Rubio both are appearing to be a little too power hungry...wanting the presidency a little too quick....again just my personal opinion.....
I admit that Marco being from a Cuban family who were very similar to my own mother and father affects my decision. I can relate to him and his positions. He has done well considering his background. I also believe it is good to draw support away from Jeb in FL which may in the end be the deciding s...
I admit that Marco being from a Cuban family who were very similar to my own mother and father affects my decision. I can relate to him and his positions. He has done well considering his background. I also believe it is good to draw support away from Jeb in FL which may in the end be the deciding state.
Too early to choose yet. Several of these men have outstanding qualities that could make them good in a team. Cruz is strong on Constitutional law (unlike Obama, who claims to have taught it). Allen West would be a perfect SecDef. Perry is great on commerce and border security. Walker has guts and g...
Too early to choose yet. Several of these men have outstanding qualities that could make them good in a team. Cruz is strong on Constitutional law (unlike Obama, who claims to have taught it). Allen West would be a perfect SecDef. Perry is great on commerce and border security. Walker has guts and grit. However, some of these men have already knifed us, and I will remember that: Christie, Rubio, Rand Paul, Bush the RINO. Some I know too little about.
Their position on Islam and jihadists is all-important to me, since that is the army of terrorists Obama is importing to destroy us from within. He's been admitting 80,000 a quarter since 2009 -- and that's only the ones we know about. He keeps the southern AND northern borders porous to let them in secretly. Examine the muzzie populations in cities along the Canadian border. Consider how many he has planted in Tennessee, just to crack us wide open in the middle. I must consider all this in choosing a candidate. Even then, we will be stuck with whatever the GOP machine chooses to nominate. Molon labe.
Most of Canada's population is along the Canadian/American border.... exactly how many islamists have crossed into America from Canada since the new border rules that made everyone have a passport to cross?
Exactly how is America going to control the Northern border? Canada is doing it's part but wha...
Most of Canada's population is along the Canadian/American border.... exactly how many islamists have crossed into America from Canada since the new border rules that made everyone have a passport to cross?
Exactly how is America going to control the Northern border? Canada is doing it's part but what has America been doing?
America is allowing more in through your Southern border and also letting back in those who went over to fight with ISIS and other terrorist organization....even giving them new passports with new identities so they can get around the "No -Fly" regulations ( Britain does this also!). Canada has caught a few of those already who tried to fly into Canada on these passports.
LOL! Most of the time we are pretty respectful of each others beliefs and opinions here...not like it was on SH! We tend to share as much info. as we can about candidates....
I don't think we'll get into a big brouhaha...but I have been wrong before...
By Arnold Ahlert
On the matter of ISIS, presumed GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has embraced the same revisionist history promoted by Democrats, blaming Republican “hawks” for the group’s rise and expansion. “ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the ...
Both men would do a much better job than the Hillarbeast and the community organizer in chief we have in there now.
Exactly how is America going to control the Northern border? Canada is doing it's part but wha...
I don't think we'll get into a big brouhaha...but I have been wrong before...