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Yesterday I posted about a soldier who won't salute the flag and I also put it on facebook. This is an answer I got from one of my followers there. I'm curious what members think about what he has to say. "The reality is she should not have to salute the flag. If you wer...
Yesterday I posted about a soldier who won't salute the flag and I also put it on facebook. This is an answer I got from one of my followers there. I'm curious what members think about what he has to say. "The reality is she should not have to salute the flag. If you were aware that We The People are the Sovereigns of the united States of America you would realize that makes We The People the Kings & Queens and that what that flag is suppose to represent is ourselves. Have you ever seen the King or Queen of any country salute thier own flag? Time to wakey wakey and realize you have been told lies about who and what you really are in order for you to have a servant instead of master mindset. Not one colonist durring and after the Revolution founding these united States of America ever saluted thier flag. That flag saluting crap did not start until after the civil (if you can call it that) war. I spose all this makes me and my service dishonorable to the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as well right? Until you know your history you are lost and the servant instead of the masters you should be."
I suggest this person take a large dose of reality, go to bed, and maybe they will wake up in the morning with a better understanding of what America really is. The flag is not an idol, but a symbol of who we, as a people, are, what we represent. It is a symbol of what we, as a nation, fight for a...
I suggest this person take a large dose of reality, go to bed, and maybe they will wake up in the morning with a better understanding of what America really is. The flag is not an idol, but a symbol of who we, as a people, are, what we represent. It is a symbol of what we, as a nation, fight for and die for, it is a symbol of the flame of liberty we embrace, and it is respect for all of this we show when we salute our flag. Do his opinions make his service dishonorable? No, but I see him as embittered and disillusioned. And maybe over-wearied of the current governmental state of affairs. He obviously has never taken the words of our Pledge of Allegiance to heart.
The American Civil Flag of Peace, which represents constitutional law and has been all but forgotten since the early part of the 20th century, is again available to the general public.
On June 1, 1799, Secretary of the Treasury Oliver Wolcott submitted his design for the Civil Flag of Peace to Presid...
The American Civil Flag of Peace, which represents constitutional law and has been all but forgotten since the early part of the 20th century, is again available to the general public.
On June 1, 1799, Secretary of the Treasury Oliver Wolcott submitted his design for the Civil Flag of Peace to President John Adams for approval. It is significant that Wolcott turned the arrangement of the stripes ninety degrees to vertical to differentiate the new ensign from the U.S. Flag, to denote civilian authority under the Treasury Department, rather than military authority under the War Dept.
The Civil Flag, intended for peacetime usage, has vertical stripes with blue stars on a white field. By the Law of the Flag, this design denotes civil jurisdiction under the Constitution and common law as opposed to military jurisdiction under admiralty/military law. http://www.freedomradio.u...
Our flag represents our country, its people, it's hopes, its dreams, its honor. If one hates the flag, one hates all it stands for, and my directive to those individuals is to stop enjoying the fruit this country provides, so hard won by all who served, and go find a country you do like--let it sup...
Our flag represents our country, its people, it's hopes, its dreams, its honor. If one hates the flag, one hates all it stands for, and my directive to those individuals is to stop enjoying the fruit this country provides, so hard won by all who served, and go find a country you do like--let it support you instead.
I respect your opinion, Mike, but obviously don't agree. If our flag truly represented corporate America to our military, I don't see them fighting and dying for it. To me, it is "We the People...", and that I will gladly fight for, and die for, if need be. I agree that appearances show a really ...
I respect your opinion, Mike, but obviously don't agree. If our flag truly represented corporate America to our military, I don't see them fighting and dying for it. To me, it is "We the People...", and that I will gladly fight for, and die for, if need be. I agree that appearances show a really messed up world, but I also believe the reality is that there are more than enough good people in it who see through the smoke and mirrors and will not accept the illusion.
I have tried, without success, to find verification of the claim that the fringe denotes Admiralty Law, Mike. I have found many sites,such as your link, but nothing official.
Hi Bo Zette, nice seeing you on this site. I hope you enjoy it.
He is a link that makes my point of view look bad but I think does prove my point.
( Remember, a court is not under military jurisdiction because of the yellow fringed flag, but the yellow fringed flag is there because the court is under ...
Hi Bo Zette, nice seeing you on this site. I hope you enjoy it.
He is a link that makes my point of view look bad but I think does prove my point.
( Remember, a court is not under military jurisdiction because of the yellow fringed flag, but the yellow fringed flag is there because the court is under military jurisdiction. Keep this in mind as you read these cases.)
I understand that. That doesn't change the fact that I cannot find anything that OFFICIALLY states that the fringe actually does signify ANYTHING. Likewise, I have been unable to find anything that officially states that a name in caps is referring to the legal fiction rat...
I understand that. That doesn't change the fact that I cannot find anything that OFFICIALLY states that the fringe actually does signify ANYTHING. Likewise, I have been unable to find anything that officially states that a name in caps is referring to the legal fiction rather than the living being. I have searched for both...but only find sites such as the ones you have linked. These sites state both of those things as factual, but rarely cite what makes those things true in law. When citations are given, I have been unable to verify them despite having followed up on them. I have asked others who have stated these things to be factual, but have never received any citations from them at all. I have spent hours trying to track these down, without success. I am not saying they aren't true, but until I can verify the veracity of the statements myself, I cannot say they are true either. I have personally verified some things, only to have the online source later disappear, so I now do what I can to preserve things that I believe are likely to be removed from the websites I originally found them on.
("Placing of fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag, and arrangement of the stars are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but within the discretion of the President as Commander-In-Chief of the Army and Navy." - 1925, 34 Op.Atty.Gen. 483.) http://www.barefoots>...
("Placing of fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag, and arrangement of the stars are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but within the discretion of the President as Commander-In-Chief of the Army and Navy." - 1925, 34 Op.Atty.Gen. 483.) http://www.barefootsworld...
And the commonly cited EO does not specifically state that the yellow fringe denotes Admiralty Law. That is all I am trying to locate, the official statement that the fringe means Admiralty Law...I am not saying it doesn't say that somewhere, but I cannot find it. Many of these sites cite a partic...
And the commonly cited EO does not specifically state that the yellow fringe denotes Admiralty Law. That is all I am trying to locate, the official statement that the fringe means Admiralty Law...I am not saying it doesn't say that somewhere, but I cannot find it. Many of these sites cite a particular EO or law, none of which specifically make that distinction. I have looked up so many laws and codes and whatnot, I have looked the same things up over and over again. Please do not link me another site that makes these claims. I am looking for something in actual law or an EO or a regulation that states it to signify proceedings are under Admiralty Law.
Ok, but I think you are looking for something that probably doesn't exist. A birth certificate puts a person under Admiralty law but I have my doubts that you could find a statute for it.
An extremely small portion of our "laws" are statutes. Most are administrative or judicial: EOs (PDs, PDDs, whatever name they are labeled), rules and regulations of the various government agencies, case law, precedents, judicial activism, etc. make up the bulk of what we are "governed" u...
An extremely small portion of our "laws" are statutes. Most are administrative or judicial: EOs (PDs, PDDs, whatever name they are labeled), rules and regulations of the various government agencies, case law, precedents, judicial activism, etc. make up the bulk of what we are "governed" under.
It is often a convoluted journey to find the truth behind what happened between the revolution and today and the resultant reality of the US, our laws and our history.
I am not trying to be contrary, Cuz, it is simply my nature. I cannot accept something as fact simply because one or two or twelve or 330 million believe it to be factual. I want proof.
On my last vacay from SH, I fell down the rabbit hole and found a fascinating series of interconnected warrens down there that paint a very different picture of history and truth from what we were and is being taught. Some led to revelations and others were long and winding paths leading only to dead ends. I am just trying to distinguish between the two, hence the reason I try to verify claims for myself. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --
You mentioned above the "Civil Flag intended for peacetime use." We haven't seen much peacetime during our history, Cuz...
"America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776"
This man lists the wars year by year since 1776. He excludes covert CIA actions that could be considered acts of war, as well as the "war" on drugs...which would encompass an additional five years that we weren't in traditional wars. That would bring the percentage up to a smidgeon under 95%.
Nope, I don't think you are trying to be contrary at all. I don't know you real well but from the conversations we have had in the past I never saw that in you. lol....I believe I posted that same list about being involved in war a few weeks back on here. We certainly agree on one thing and that is th...
Nope, I don't think you are trying to be contrary at all. I don't know you real well but from the conversations we have had in the past I never saw that in you. lol....I believe I posted that same list about being involved in war a few weeks back on here. We certainly agree on one thing and that is the history we have been taught leaves a lot to be desired. Let's just keep on searching. (smile)
Just because someone doesn't salute the flag doesn't mean they hate this country. I don't salute the Canadian, Mexican, or any other flag but I don't hate the people or the countries. If Americans want everyone to salute the flag maybe it should have 5 rights from the Bill of Rights printed on both ...
Just because someone doesn't salute the flag doesn't mean they hate this country. I don't salute the Canadian, Mexican, or any other flag but I don't hate the people or the countries. If Americans want everyone to salute the flag maybe it should have 5 rights from the Bill of Rights printed on both sides. Can't see how anyone would have a problem with that.
I didn't say that one who doesn't salute the flag hates it; I was thinking about those who tear it down, burn it, etc.
Maybe I should ask you what saluting the flag means to you. I don't salute other countries flags, either, but I will stand for their National Anthems out of respect for their peop...
I didn't say that one who doesn't salute the flag hates it; I was thinking about those who tear it down, burn it, etc.
Maybe I should ask you what saluting the flag means to you. I don't salute other countries flags, either, but I will stand for their National Anthems out of respect for their people. I salute my flag out of respect for my country, its great Constitution, its people (even the ones who choose not to salute it, lol), and all those who fought and died for it.
Like the Bill of Rights idea, but don't think it will fly (pun intended).
I will stand when the National Anthem is played out of respect to America. I don't salute the flag because I am not a U.S. citizen. I am a citizen of Montana state and an American. Big difference.
I agree with that statement, but I'm still not understanding how you consider yourself an American but not a citizen of the United States. Is a fine and picky point eluding me?
Marge, what makes a person a citizen of the United States is a social security #. Any one that has one is a partner in a corporate entity whose jurisdiction is limited to D.C., military bases, and territories. http://www.freedomradio.u...
Still arguing with you, lol--you were born into a collective and are part of it, whether or not you have numbers that "prove" it. You ARE a citizen of the US, my friend, just like all the rest of us.
I am an American just like everyone else but I am not a U.S. citizen. I continue to claim my rights under the Constitution and have not voided them with an agreement to trade my rights for security.
( I just want to interject that I appreciate the comments. My mind goes between both sides of the debate that I am reading between Marge and Cuz so far. I can see it from both pov.)
I don't salute the flag but sometimes I put my hand over my heart. It is the ideals, the people, the symbol of freedom that I love, right or wrong due to what it legally stands for.
Bo zette, you've just reminded me how much I have always admired your determination and desire for truth discovery! I really hope you enjoy it here because we need such passion for truth!
Rascal! I never thought about the Pledge as being an act of fealty; rather a reaffirmation of my love of country and all I thought it stood for. It can certainly rouse a patriotic spirit, and I'll bet there are many who feel the same way as I did. Now I'm considering what this country stands for ...
Rascal! I never thought about the Pledge as being an act of fealty; rather a reaffirmation of my love of country and all I thought it stood for. It can certainly rouse a patriotic spirit, and I'll bet there are many who feel the same way as I did. Now I'm considering what this country stands for today, and he's right--it's almost a "why bother."
But you know, most of the people haven't changed, and for them it's still a call-to-arms for the values, morals, integrity we hold dear. Truth of appearances v. Truth of Reality.
Thanks for being so open Marge. I've also had to re-learn almost everything I was taught. It hurt sometimes. I keep trying to look at the bigger/biggest picture. There is no doubt in my mind that God blessed this country for many years when the majority of the people were following the principles in ...
Thanks for being so open Marge. I've also had to re-learn almost everything I was taught. It hurt sometimes. I keep trying to look at the bigger/biggest picture. There is no doubt in my mind that God blessed this country for many years when the majority of the people were following the principles in the scriptures. But like ancient Israel we have departed and so much propaganda has taken the place of spirituality. At least that is the way I am seeing it. When Jesus returns for the thousand year reign it won't be the constitution of any country that will be law. It will be his word and he will rule with a rod of iron.
When I first happened across some facts about our history that were contradictory to what I had been taught, I had a knee jerk reaction of denial. My research, aimed to reinforce my long-held beliefs, shattered them instead. It did hurt, sometimes. It made me fearful at first, then angry. Probab...
When I first happened across some facts about our history that were contradictory to what I had been taught, I had a knee jerk reaction of denial. My research, aimed to reinforce my long-held beliefs, shattered them instead. It did hurt, sometimes. It made me fearful at first, then angry. Probably the hardest belief for me to relinquish was the notion that this is a "Christian" nation, because I can certainly see God's fingerprints all over the rise of America. And, as you said, one can clearly see how we have followed the same course as ancient Israel. Unlike Israel, however, our citizenship is in Heaven. America has been, and is, a tool for God to use...not an end goal, but part of the journey. Accepting that truth has been very liberating for me, personally.
Bo Zette, it's refreshing for me to hear statements like that. Our heavenly citizenship begins when Jesus becomes Lord of our life. He came preaching the gospel of the kingdom. It's why he was such a threat to the Roman government.
"The reality is she should not have to salute the flag. If you wer...
On June 1, 1799, Secretary of the Treasury Oliver Wolcott submitted his design for the Civil Flag of Peace to Presid...
He is a link that makes my point of view look bad but I think does prove my point.
( Remember, a court is not under military jurisdiction because of the yellow fringed flag, but the yellow fringed flag is there because the court is under ...
I understand that. That doesn't change the fact that I cannot find anything that OFFICIALLY states that the fringe actually does signify ANYTHING. Likewise, I have been unable to find anything that officially states that a name in caps is referring to the legal fiction rat...
("Placing of fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag, and arrangement of the stars are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but within the discretion of the President as Commander-In-Chief of the Army and Navy." - 1925, 34 Op.Atty.Gen. 483.)
lol....I believe I posted that same list about being involved in war a few weeks back on here.
We certainly agree on one thing and that is th...
Maybe I should ask you what saluting the flag means to you. I don't salute other countries flags, either, but I will stand for their National Anthems out of respect for their peop...
I keep trying to look at the bigger/biggest picture. There is no doubt in my mind that God blessed this country for many years when the majority of the people were following the principles in ...