
Todays doctors lawyers universities governments press religion banks
Your Ancestors Survived An Ice Age and Megafauna With Nothing More Than Pointed Sticks
Einstein Quote When technology surpasses human interaction the world will have a generation of idiots
The Human Spectrum
Happy Pineapple Halloween
Teach your kids to count Harleys instead of slugbugs
What to do when the test doesnt offer the correct answer
Last Known Photograph of David Bowie on his birthday 2016 days before his death
Funny answers to a test
Chris Kyles Widow VS Obama on Gun Control
You are Stock
Hat Riddle
Trees voting for axe
The Ten Commandments of Ratioinal Debate
Golden shower or fire power?
Most people do not really want freedom Sigmund Freud quote
Electric Power is Everywhere in Unlimited Quantities Nikola Tesla Quote
Manhattan before and after civilization
Freddy Grays Arrest Record
Billboard swearing Manhattan Project workers to secrecy 1945
Psychoville Population 10 - opps make that 9
Trip causes hard feelings
You Are Floating on a giant ball with a hot liquid core plan accordingly ART BY MARTHA RICH
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead Thomas Paine Quote
RIP Bernie Wrightston
It is true!
The difference between having good credit and bad credit
Real Retouched image of Lincoln that was used to make the penny engraving from
Texting while driving leading cause of US teen deaths
MLK Jr quote
Beware the Useful Idiots That Follow Saul Alinsky
Perish For Lack of Knowledge
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