Resist the NWO Cover
We have given our resources over to psycopaths - time to take them back
rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God
BLACK FACE Justin Trudeau - A small fringe minority holding unacceptable views
JFK on vast conspiracy
Mostly unreported massive protests are ongoing around the world against restrictions and VaxPass
The government fears the day we stand together
The worse kind of drug dealers
It is not about a virus it is about control covid
Will the government ever release lockdowns and state of emergency covid control mechanisms
You are here = about to be bar coded tracked monitored and controlled by globalist governments
I hope my government will let me go outside today Vax Covid Mask Lockdowns INSANITY
Dear Globalists We reject your great NWO RESET and choose FREEDOM instead
Protests in Trieste Italy against vaccine passports
Excerpts Klaus Schwab Great Reset
UN Agenda 21 plan for gov ownership of property
The final covid variant is called communism
First they came for the communists quote
Real Conspiracy theorists
Your DNA will be your DATA
UK Vax Passport has LOTS of spaces designated for continuing boosters
All you need is one more booster shot and then things can go back to normal
17 goals of the united nations
G7 members pretending there is a pandemic for photo ops - what hypocritical bs
Up Next for fear panic and NWO reset take over UFOs
Good Morning Sir have you accepted Dr Fauci as your Lord and Savior
The future of life SAY NO TO NWO
When Sheep became Lab Rats
Are we still FREE in America
Canadian Healthcare System
Climate policy is not about saving the planet it is about one world government = NWO
blm = black lives manors
How did covid 19 get started and why the over reaction
In the doctors booth Lucy is IN Fauci is INCONSISTENT
Could this really be the current plan for us by the NWO
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