Topic: quote

Tom Cotton Quote on Illegal Immigrants and Solving the Problem
If socialists understood economics they would not be socialists Friedrich Von Hayek quote
In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness Robert Griffin quote
The More Corrupt the State The More Numerous The Laws Tacitus Quote
A free people ought to be armed and disciplined and have enough ammunition George Washington Quote
Fredric Bastiat Quote on Government Systems Versus Liberty
Truth will ultimately prevail George Washington Quote
The Greatest Priviledge is Living Under the US Constitution
Edward Snowden quote about privacy and free speech
Is it too much to ask that the President affirm his devotion to the law - Trey Gowdy quote
He who dares not offend cannot be honest Thomas Paine Quote
There is a plot in this country to enslave every man woman and child JFK Quote
The Constitution is an instrument for the people to restrain the government Patrick Henry Quote
Freedom of speech means nothing to those who are weak in their convictions - Billy Graham
I do not think the state has the right to tell me what to put in my mouth - Milton Friedman
You were wild once  - Do not let them tame you
obama quote - I will stand with the muslims
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years Lysander Spooner quote
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