I highly recommend this article by Joe Miller who was the Republican nominee for the US Senate from Alaska. He is a West Point Graduate and a decorated combat vet from the first Gulf war as well as a former judge who graduated from Yale Law School. This speaks volumes. His message is far reaching and urgently important due to the attack on our 2nd amendment rights underway. I have not seen some of these points made elsewhere.


Protecting the Second Amendment – Why all Americans Should Be Concerned

We are current or former Army Reserve, National Guard, and active duty US Army Special Forces soldiers (Green Berets). We have all taken an oath to “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.…” The Constitution of the United States is without a doubt the single greatest document in the history of mankind, codifying the fundamental principle of governmental power and authority being derived from and granted through the consent of the governed. Our Constitution established a system of governance that preserves, protects, and holds sacrosanct the individual rights and primacy of the governed as well as providing for the explicit protection of the governed from governmental tyranny and/or oppression. We have witnessed the insidious and iniquitous effects of tyranny and oppression on people all over the world. We and our forebears have embodied and personified our organizational motto, De Oppresso Liber [To Free the Oppressed], for more than a half century as we have fought, shed blood, and died in the pursuit of freedom for the oppressed.

The Second Amendment has been ruled to specifically extend to firearms “in common use” by the military by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in U.S. v Miller (1939). In Printz v U.S. (1997) Justice Thomas wrote: “In Miller we determined that the Second Amendment did not guarantee a citizen’s right to possess a sawed-off shot gun because that weapon had not been shown to be “ordinary military equipment” that could “could contribute to the common defense”.


Janice  Vicks
This is really good. I am going to email it to friends. 
  • February 2, 2013
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Ken Brock
Amen to all of this. Alaska lost the opportunity to have a damn good man represent them. I'm feeling like the whole damn country has lost its mind!
  • February 3, 2013
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Willis Pebble
This gentleman is right on target (no pun intended).
The second amendment was adopted so the people could protect themselves from invasion AND from their own government. It was not to allow people to hunt. When it mentions, “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state" t...
  • February 7, 2013
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