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A few days ago I wrote about my recent issues with the policy picked out and bought from Healthcare.gov. (Attached below) My complaint is that the benefits I viewed online were NOT the benefits I got! Also, their site isn't working right.

I was talking to my mother about it when she told me she heard that people had up to January 31st to change their policies! 

I found the link to the notice about it. (Attached below)

You would think that after an hour of being on the phone with them, including discussing it with a "STUPERVISOR" for an hour, someone would have responded to my repeated complaints with, well hey you can always changed it. BUT NO! Not a word, not a suggestion, not anything about this policy was mentioned. 

SO NOW - I guess I get to go back and do it all over again, after paying 260% more to get less, I'm fed up. I don't even know if I will bother to shop the benefits. How do I know they will be the same as what I get anyway? I DON'T!

Monday I will be on the phone with my congressman and senator's offices. Plus I am sending them these blogs. Not that it will do any good. But let me go down on record! I abhor the UNaffordable care act!  

 Copyright 2016 Wanda Hope Carter, all rights reserved, no duplication, excerpting, downloading, framing, copying or other type of use other than by the sharing of a link to this article permitted without express written permission.



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