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Clarice Feldman at American Thinker thinks so and I have to agree. 

She says:

Pretending to be something one is not for social and other advantage is fairly common. We have now, for example, a president who duped the elite opinion makers into thinking he was a genius, though there’s never been evidence of that, and he refuses to ever release his academic records. In that regard he was following in the footsteps of others like Adlai Stevenson, whom the smart set regarded as brilliant compared to his opponent Dwight D. Eisenhower. Hidden from the public by Dean Erwin Griswold was the fact that Adlai had actually flunked out of Harvard Law School  which, had it been known, would have made clear that Eisenhower, the successful Allied commander, was the more capable leader.

Today, we are faced with an even more ridiculous and spreading series of self-inventions.

As artificial barriers to advancement -- like affirmative action programs -- and Balkanization by race, class, and gender rise, the ludicrous self-inventions increase with people adopting fake identities to take advantage of the benefits of belonging to groups considered society’s victims.

We have Elizabeth Warren pretending to be part Cherokee to get a desirable high-status, high-paying job at Harvard Law School which she would never have gotten had she not engaged in this pretense.

We have fake rape victims at Duke and Columbia University and several other colleges as well, pretending, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, to have been victimized. In this way they gain status on campus and attention, one going so far as to schlep a mattress with her to all campus goings.

Last week, to great financial advantage, there was the Caitlynization of a former Olympic star, Bruce Jenner.

This week, we have Rachel Dolezal, head of the Spokane NAACP who for a couple of decades has been pretending to be black and the victim of parental and spousal abuse, rape, and hate crimes.


Linda Mihalic
Let's not forget the hip hop puke Kanye West who posed as Christ.
  • June 14, 2015
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Mona Rainwater
I'm almost certain west made Jesus laugh out loud. What a joke.
  • June 14, 2015
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William Davis Hall
That we have allowed such a small percent of the population to spread their perversions over all of us is a real mystery to me.
  • June 14, 2015
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Mona Rainwater
Actually, that small percent has infected millions of lemmings.
  • June 17, 2015
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Gregory Alan of Johnson
All done by design. Obama fooled those he was supposed to.
  • June 17, 2015
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