The letter asks Boehner 16 questions for which SOS wants answers. In particular, the letter asks:

1. Why was there no military response to the events in Benghazi?

2. What, if any, non-military assistance was provided during the attack?

3. How many U.S. personnel were injured in Benghazi?

4. Why have the survivors of the attack not been questioned?

5. Where are the survivors?

6. Who was in the White House Situations Room (WHSR) during the entire 8-hour period of the attacks, and was a Senior U.S. Military Official present?

7. Where were Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey during the crisis, and what inputs and recommendations did they make?

8. Where were Tom Donilon, the National Security Advisor, Dennis McDonough, his deputy, Valerie Jarrett, and John Brennan during attacks, and what (if any) recommendations or decisions did any of them make?


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