
Kim Jong Un has scrapped the sixty year old armistice between the two Korea's while continuing to threaten the United States.  In addition, he has ignored the hotline between the North and the South.   He has convinced the twenty-four hundred million Korean's that America is responsible for their plight as well as our having disrupted nations around the world.  (Can't say I disagree the latter but North Korea had every bit of the opportunity as the South had to rebuild and rise from the ashes!)


But of course, you would have a hard time convincing North Koreans that their Dear Leader is applying mind control to a seriously tightly controlled people.  All they know is the one TV station for five hours a day spewing nothing but propaganda and unending diatribes against the US.   I might add that we're just a few hundred Executive Privileges from walking in their shoes!

Safari Woman
The people just don't know any different there! One thing I was thinking is that they have one station filled with propaganda. We have umpteen stations filled with propaganda. But at least we have the internet - I wonder what they can get on theirs? N Korea is the one red country I haven't found try...
  • March 11, 2013
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LMAO......  No internet.  Only about 8 hrs electric a day.   Every home has a radio that is ON all day.  Propaganda.  Can't turn it off but CAN turn it down.  It's a constant bombardment of the :Dear Leader".  TV stations are welded so that you can't change channels.  Every home must have a picture ...
  • March 12, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
I thank God for where I was lucky enough to be born. I wonder if future generations of Americans will say the same. N Korea is a pig sty. I feel sorry for those who are its hostages.
  • March 14, 2013
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Mike Blackwood
i thought your title might be referencing Dennis RODmans recent visit to hang out with  Kim THONG ;P
  • March 12, 2013
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  • March 12, 2013
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