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R. A. Schultz






MEMO to all the “journalists” out there and other a$$holes who think President Trump is a “racist” for calling COVID-19 the “Chinese virus:”  Just what the hell do you think “COVID” stands for?  It stands for “China- Originating Viral Infectious Disease.”  The “19” identifies it as the NINETEENTH virus originating from CHINA! 




How about we get a little JOURNALISM from you “journalists” for a f*@king change?




Oh, and by the way, for the further edification of you would-be “journalists” out there, “China” is a PLACE.  “Chinese” is an ethnicity whose home is China.  The ethnicity “Chinese” belongs to the MONGOLOID race. 




Allow me to edify you morons even further. 




There exist here on Planet Earth, the third planet in distance from the Sun, three Races of Man:  Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid.  “Black” and “White” are NOT races, but rather skin coloration resulting from the level of melanin found in the epidermal tissue of any of the Three Races of Man, and subject to relatively minor change with the level of exposure to sunlight.




A “racist” is one who believes in, and expounds, the theory that one of the Three Races of Man is superior to the other two.  Keep pushing this “racist” bullsh*t in your daily lies and you’re only proving that you haven’t the foggiest clue of what the f*ck you’re talking about.




Stoopid bastids!








Well said!
  • March 26, 2020
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