From my brother:

Did you know that while Britain is in the EU they can’t have free trade with Canada, because Romania has a beef with Canada? While Britain is in the EU, they can’t deport anyone (Muslims) because it violates their rights as and EU citizen! While Britain is in the EU, they must pay welfare to anyone who holds an EU passport!

If this is not enough to galvanize the vote to leave, then the British people deserve everything they get! Anyone with an angstrom of common sense should realize that if Obama wants you to stay… it ain’t worth a bit of schiesse for British interests! I am sure the liberal left in Britain will win the vote using the sappy vote-with-your-heart BS because that is what Jo Cox wanted.

What the British people need to realize, just the like Americans do, is how many times must they send their young to die, squander their treasure, and constantly have to rebuild their economy by saving Europe (EU) from itself? The EU simply does not get it. The Muslims on welfare are to them what the welfare drones are to America, a very large drag and burden, which does not appreciate any kindness or humanitarianism!

Walter D.
I read that Soros and Rothchild are against their exit along with Obama. I would look at that as evidence that it must be the right thing to do.
  • June 21, 2016
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  • June 21, 2016
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