While checking out unlawful acts of public servants, stumbled upon this;

EXCLUSIVE: Cops Raid Cannabis Oil Activist Because Her Son Discussed Medical Pot Facts at School


This reply on BS was real informative;

Here is the basic SCIENCE of the medicinal value of CANNABIS OIL [the ESSENTIAL OIL] as it relates to cancer: The CANNABINOIDs [the main constituents in cannabis, e.g. THC and CBD] are the counterparts to the ENDOCANNABINOIDs [just like morphine is the counterpart to our endorphins] produced naturally in our bodies [such as ANANDOMIDE]. When these cannabinoids link up with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our body's ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM, a substance called CERAMIDE is released. It is the CERAMIDE that seeks out cancerous cells, destroys the mitochondria [the energy-producing organelles], and thus kills the malignant cells, while leaving healthy cells intact. There has been plenty of research on the relationship between CANNABINOIDs and CANCER. These studies show that not only do CANNABINOIDS inhibit tumor growth, but also that they INDUCE CELL APOPTOSIS [programmed cell death]. This is a fact that even the US GOV'T admits on their own website cancerDOTgov [linked below]. Furthermore, Dr. Manuel Guzman [Complutense U. of Madrid] conducted a landmark study that showed: "Cannabinoids are selective antitumour compounds, as they can KILL TUMOUR CELLS without affecting their non-transformed counterparts." Also, research shows that CANNABINOIDs PROTECT the brain against neurodegeneration. We all know how SMOKING cannabis is therapeutic in certain ways, but the HIDDEN SECRET [thanks to RICK SIMPSON and his film: "RUN FROM THE CURE."] is that the REAL MEDICINE is in extracting the ESSENTIAL OIL [this is NOT the seed oil found in health stores] and using it topically on skin cancer, burns, rashes,... or ingesting it for internal cancers and other ailments. Check out the links to the scientific research. Also, check out the clip of the PBS special "Clearing the Smoke." In it, Dr. Donald Abrams [professor at UCSF & oncologist at SF Gen. Hosptital] & Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti [U. of South Carolina] explain the human body's ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM and a study that shows that CANNABINOIDs KILL CANCER CELLS in test tubes and in mice. Lastly, DENNIS HILL [biochemist, formerly of MD Anderson Cancer Center-Houston--one of the top-ranked cancer facilities in the world] most eloquently explains for the layperson how CANNABINOIDS KILL CANCER CELLS, and how he cured his STAGE 4 prostate cancer in 6 months, without chemo or radiation therapy.



Topics: war on drugs
Carl Spencer
There is no continuing money in finding a cure for cancer. If I am ever diagnosed, this is where I will look first for a cure not to radiation that kills the good along with the bad if you are one of the lucky ones to survive it.
  • April 21, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Agreed, Carl.
  • April 21, 2015
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I believe that the cure for cancer is locked up in a vault owned by the makers of the most lucrative chemotherapeutics
  • April 21, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
I have no direct evidence, but have no reason to doubt you one bit, either.
  • April 22, 2015
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