Placing this here while I work on it 

Lets see in 
1789 the US government established the USPS
1789 the US government bailed out agriculture even fought a few wars to get it land
1789 the US government help start the textiles industry.
1789 The US government passes tariffs to protect American busienss
1790 the US government started Hamilton's bank of America.
1800 the government of New York lead in financing the canal industry.
1820 the US and state governments started subsidies to the railroads 
1832 A. Jackson kills the bank of the US and causes the worst depression of the 18 hundreds.
1860 the US government ramps up subsides to the railroads.
1868 Business gains control of the US government
1920 The US government begins subsidizing the auto industry by building roads.
1920 The US government begins subsidizing the airplane industry
1930 The US government begins a major damn building program.
1954 The US government begins building the saint Lawrence seaway.
1954 The US government begins building the freeway system.
1961 The US government begins the space program
1981 The US government massively increases subsidies to the defense industry. 
1984 The US government bails out Chrysler
2007 The US government bails out the banks
2008 The US government bails out Chrysler again and GM.

Keep in mind that I'm giving approximate start dates and that many of these things lasted for decades. The US economy from the founders on has been a mixed economy. When we have tried to move away from that things have gotten worse and eventually failed. 

The US is not a capitalist country and never was. Capitalism is a monopoly game.



Wanda Hope Carter
I don't know what approach you are taking but these might help? If not still interesting
  • January 8, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Gonna take 'em one at a time and deconstruct, and thanks for the links.
  • January 8, 2015
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