We stand at a pivotal moment in history, morally, ethically, politically, economically and socially. We are making the same mistakes our grandparents and great-grandparents did during the Great Depression: We’re trying to save the life of an already dead patient, our economy.

The wars, conflicts and economic upheavals that we experience as young adults define us as generations. Shocking as it may seem, our youth are not learning about the history that we experienced as their parents and grandparents. George Santayana was right when he said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

This resume of conflict highlights the problem of “God and” versus “God as” consciousness. What we choose to identify with is what we worship in the sense that we offer it our time, attention and effort. We say that we believe in God, yet we worship the world’s “worthless idols.”

Some ask, “What should we do?”, arguing that we must keep body and soul together, clothes on our back, a roof over our head and have some form of transportation. Ben Franklin said, “God helps those who helps themselves.” Edna Lister said that the place to have a helping hand on the end of your other arm.

Help everyone who comes to you, using your assets: money, labor, encouragement, declarations or prayer. Remember that every “I can’t” is really an “I won’t.”

Collective self-will got us into this mess, so arguing, “I didn’t do it,” does us no good. We must pray that everyone becomes acquainted with their own degrees of self-will and greedy desires.

God’s Power magnifies and increases whatever we make the focus of our attention. It’s time we stopped worshiping the world’s worthless idols, which cause us to forsake our own mercy. If we want mercy, we need to rededicate ourselves to making God the focus of our worship, attention and life. We must choose God before we settle for the world.

The surest way to increase our fears about the economy or our financial security is to focus on how bad it is, forgetting to declare the Good, the stabilization of markets, praising and thanking God for the miracles that He has granted and shall continue to grant. Claim everything as a miracle.

Jesus advised that we stop worrying and “consider the lilies of the field.” He’s not telling us to be a flowering plant, but to keep it simple.

He said we should lay up our treasure in heaven because “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” When we are God-conscious, we know that as the children of a wealthy Father our inheritance is limitless.

Stop identifying with the world’s ideas of wealth. Start identifying with God. Stop thinking “What will we do?” Start mentally broadcasting, “What will God do through me today?” Stop acting as a victim of the world. Start acting as God’s agent on the scene. What can you declare as good today?

We must use our talents on God’s behalf. We must cease the endless mental malpractice that we are lacking in talents. What we lack is an accurate view of our own limitless potential. Money is no talent; the ability to accrue wealth is the talent of practical common sense.

We all share one talent: Speech. Speak the Word as a declaration for good, which is a blessing, and stop lending your tongue to curses. Be logical, reasonable, discriminating, discerning and discrete. Make sure that your emotions are never in charge when you speak.

The purpose of life is to serve God with everything we have. If we do not get what we asked for when we prayed, we have just not prayed enough, long enough, hard enough, or with enough fervor and zeal.

Stop “trying” to obey God's law and just do it. It’s time to ascend continuously, without breaks or vacations.

We stand on the Continental Divide in the uncharted territory of the pioneering mystic. Our old adept habits do not and will not work for us here.

We have climbed so high that we are at the watershed between the filthy and polluted world wash of opinion and prejudice and the sweet clear waters of the River of Life. We must follow this life-giving stream to its headwaters at the Source.

A master in law says, “I am. I can,” and “I do.” We must make this our mantra: “I am equipped to conquer self now. I can do all that life requires of me through Christ, which strengthens me. I do ascend now!”

As God’s servants, we serve, yet may not serve the self, ours or anyone else’s. We must serve God, and the easiest way is in constant prayer, prayer without ceasing.

As servants of Power, our task is to release the Power of Light for the good of all. We release the Power for all those younger children of earth who do not yet know that this is in their job description as well. We must release the Power for those irresponsible ingrates who think it’s someone else’s task.

We must release the Power needed to bring evil out into the open, to bring it to its knees, and to make evil visible to the foolish ones who wish to be deceived by false messages of hope and change being broadcast through a personality, not grounded in principle.

George Santayana was so right about history: If we fail to remember history’s lessons, we condemn ourselves to having to repeat them. One problem is what we call “revisionist history.” Most of the politically correct nonsense we witness today is historical revisionism. If you are unsure of what this looks like, we suggest you read George Orwell’s 1984.

Christ said, “To everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.” Today we restate this to say: “To everyone who has God consciousness, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have God consciousness, even what he has will be taken away.”

The world or worldly solutions offer us no ticket home to the Source. We know that “elect” means to choose, and when we choose God, He chooses us in turn to provide whatever service He appoints. Our constant service is prayer and speaking the Word for Him.

We can all recognize the big choices for sacrifice when they arise on our path. Even when they seem “hard,” they are really easy to recognize because they are big.

The slippery slopes of choice surround us in the Valley of Decision (Joel 3:14). Every choice we make in favor of the self is as though we spritzed the slope with silicone spray. What does this look like in daily life?

Lately we hear people say, “I’d like to be able to save some money, but I’m so stretched that I just can’t. It takes everything I have just to pay the bills.” In 99 percent of those cases, the person is living beyond his or her means, living on credit.

Credit-debit cards are tempting. We go for a prescription, remember we need another item, put that in our basket, and something we want as well. In line, we scan the point-of-sale display and opt for gum or a candy bar. Often we do not notice the amount we paid.

The disciplined soul goes into the drug store for the prescription, but does not allow self to add anything unnecessary to the basket. We must never allow self to substitute “I want” for what we need.

We must all pay our vows, and we do so in several ways -- through service in the world and by conquering self, doing what we have said we will do. We pay our vows when we love even one iota more than we did yesterday.

We will really pay our vows when everything we feel, think, do and say is from the heart out, not just from the teeth out. We will really pay our vows when everything we hold in our heart is only of the Light.

“I am the Light expressing. I can express as the pure white Light of the Christ because God equipped me perfectly to do so. I do express and send forth the white Light of the Christ now!”

Linda Mihalic – Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved

Janice  Vicks
This is really beautiful! I'm so glad that I read it.
  • December 2, 2012
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  • December 2, 2012
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Safari Woman
"We can all recognize the big choices for sacrifice when they arise on our path. Even when they seem “hard,” they are really easy to recognize because they are big."
This reminds me of where I am at the moment - and so tempted to for once put my happiness first. I always put what is best for every on...
  • December 2, 2012
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