I found this to be a very worth article (and site) that offers a time line of recent events to consider. The comments below are also of interest adding additional information.

Excerpts: By Dave Hodges - America stands on the edge of virtual extinction. The only question is whether Putin, after totally destroying the Petrodollar, will allow America to slowly crumble, or use the combined forces of the United Nations (e.g. North Korea, China, Latin America and Russia to invade). Either way, people like ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow boldly proclaim that eventually 90% of all Americans will be left dead. And isn’t that figure consistent with the globalist expressed desire to reduce the North American population by 90%?

And how does Obama respond to these threats? He has announced that he is reducing the American military to pre-World War II levels in yet another act of treason against the American people.

Back to the fundamental question, should we stand our ground and fight to the death? The answer is yes. However, I will not follow the psychopathic criminal that is in the White House. If America is to fall, and most of us will perish, we should not fall with a traitor at the helm. Though the heavens may fall, treason must not be allowed to prosper. The man with 11 social security numbers, several names (e.g. Barry Soetero) must not be allowed to remain in power. If I am to fall in defense of my country, I will do so with fellow Americans, not by following some mongrel masquerading as an American.

Obama Is the Soviet Fulfillment of Generations of Planning

After Viktor Suvorov, a former Russian intelligence analyst, defected to England, he revealed Russia’s top-secret plans to attack the United States at some future date after undermining the United States from within through the subversion of their political leadership. Suvorov had worked as a Russian intelligence analyst as well as having worked for the GRU and with elite Russian special forces, Suvorov, warned the Americans of Russia’s true intentions after the Russian high command had succeeded in getting Pentagon officials to let down their guard and engage in a high level, but mostly one-sided, technology transfer. And under the wrong President (i.e. Obama), America would be weakened to the point to where it could not adequately defend herself.

Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB defector fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack America after faking the demise of the old Soviet Union. He authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. From within, American leadership would be compromised in key positions, and the fall of America would be orchestrated from within and under the leadership of an Obama type of President. Golitsyn and Suvorov were only two of dozens of Soviet defectors who told exactly the same story dating back to the 1960′s.

Obama Is the Pawn of the Russians to Conquer America

From the official files of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, we find Allen Hulton, a 39 year veteran of the postal service, who provided a sworn affidavit to Maricopa County, AZ. Sheriff investigators.

Arpaio was leading an investigation to determine whether or noformer foreign college student, Barack Obama, was eligible to be placed on Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. After reviewing Hulton’s affidavit, it is apparent that 1960′s communist agitators and revolutionaries from the communist-inspired Weathermen Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were in fact the de facto adoptive parents to this foreign student destined to become the first illegitimate President of the United States. As a result, Obama was treated to the finest Ivy League education that communist backed money could buy as Hulton maintains that the Ayers told him that he was financing the education of a promising foreign student at Harvard. Hulton also testified that he met Obama while at the Ayer’s home and he asked Obama what he going to do with all his education, to which Obama politely answered, “I am going to become the President”. Readers should take note that this is an affidavit, and as such, is formally considered to be evidence, not conjecture or hearsay. There can be no other conclusion that the criminally convicted communist terrorist, Bill Ayers, began grooming Obama to become America’s first communist President during Obama’s college years. Their relationship continues into the present time as it is on record that Ayers visited the White House in August of 2009. Please note the words “foreign student”, which makes Obama ineligible to be in the White House.

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Susan McClaren
I think they are all dancing with joy and disbelief at how easy it was to take over. I hate communism! I don't want it. These people should be rounded up and tried for treason!
  • March 31, 2014
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