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After reading this article and looking at the photos, I'm thinking that yes it has been!


On the starboard side (right) near the stern there were four vertical bulges protruding from the mud [B], at regular intervals, that were determined to be the “ribs” of the hull [see below]. Opposite to these, on the port side, a single rib [A] protrudes from the mud. You can see its curved shape very clearly. Surrounding it are more ribs, still largely buried in the mud, but visible upon close examination.

Remember that this object, if it is the Ark, is extremely old. The wood has been petrified. Organic matter has been replaced by minerals from the earth. Only the shapes and traces of the original wood remain. Perhaps this is why the expedition in 1960 was disappointed. They anticipated finding and retrieving chucks of wood, long since eroded.

noahs ark found
Photo: http://www.viewzone.com/n...

From the position of the object in the middle of an obvious mud flow, it is obvious that the object slid down more than a mile from its original location. Geologists believe it was originally over 1000 feet higher in the mountain and encased in a shell of hardened mud. They think that an earthquake in 1948 cracked the mud shell and revealed the structure. This is confirmed by stories from the surrounding villagers who tell of its “sudden appearance” around that time.

noahs ark found
Photo: http://www.viewzone.com/n...

Biblical accounts of the Ark describe it as having as many as six levels. The assumed shape of the Ark seems consistent with the bulge [C] in the middle of the object. In fact, as we will soon learn, radar scans of the structure suggest that this bulge is the collapsed debris of these levels.

Although most people think of the Ark as being rectangular, that only applies to the top decks. The sleek shape of the hull is necessary to enable the huge ship to remain stable in the water and survive tremendous waves.

Ground Penetrating Radar --- READ MORE  SEE MANY MORE PHOTOS ->

lol...again?? Every now and then Discovery or the History Channel has a program about having 'found' the Ark. But I hope they're right, although imo, they'll never prove it to my satisfaction!
  • December 31, 2013
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Sitara Singley
I heard that it's in "Saudi Arabia", and that it's on lockdown.
  • January 8, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
LOL! probably being taken apart as we speak!
  • January 10, 2014
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