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I came across the short article below that easily sums up the general holographic theory in non-technical language. It reminded me of the final book that I read at the end of over a decade of practicing (R) in the ABCs, that is - Read study and learn about everything important in your life.

My journey started as a spiritual one by studying religions other than my lifelong religion, Christianity. It began after I was spiritually attacked by something I could not really comprehend. I asked questions not answered by the church or my own understanding of what the bible taught. I ended up looking for the even bigger answers that most of us seek at some point or the other in life. What is God? Who am I in relationship to God? and- What is life all about?

In the way that one thing leads to another, I ended up studying various religions and mystical theologies, archaeology, biology, history, mathematics, science, psychology, sociology and finally, quantum physics. I do not know if the impact of the final book that I read, Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot would have been the same if I had not just spent over a decade exploring, but I think probably not. Yet when added on top of everything my mind, body and spirit had already processed, it presented the final chapter that tied up the entirety of my studies

If the theory is true, that was no coincidence and meant to be. Without a decade of dissecting life and looking at the components under a microscope so to speak, I could not have comprehended quantum theory in the exact way that I did. Moreover, without the read I could have never pieced the examined elements of life together in a way that made complete sense to me. And, for the first time in my life, I felt okay with who I am and I no longer feared or wondered about the many strange things that happened to me over the years. I finally understood that everything in my life had unfolded exactly as needed in order to bring me to that moment which had always existed and was waiting for me to catch up through time. I have not bought new books on any of those subjects since then because my heart and head became at peace with what I knew. I keep current by studying online.

It was immediately after this that I began writing To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your ABCs when individual lines came to me after praying for answers to situations in my life. Rather than tell the story about this here again, I am skipping forward to a question I've been asked repeatedly about how the holographic theory pans out and interplays with what the ABCs teach about having dreams, setting goals and working towards accomplishments. I am far from possessing the scientific degree of understanding required to adequately explain my thoughts about it except in the most simplest terms so I will sum it up here in one single sentence - The ABCs reflect the truths that exist inside of each of us and they are only waiting for conscience awareness to activate the results they will bring to our life when applied.

Those who are familiar with quantum physics, I ask you, how did I do in summing it up? If anyone can add to the subject of quantum physics and goal setting, your input would be appreciated.

Carl Spencer
I don't know that much about it but I think that can be said about all universal truths. Maybe quantum physics is the flashlight shining on the understanding of where universal truths come from or what they are. I don't get the multiple universe theories and I don't understand what this tells us abo...
  • September 29, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
I can only say what it did for me spiritually. It allowed me to fully grasp what I grew up learning; that being - the kingdom of heaven is within. (Not to be confused with the new agey stuff that tells us we are all gods.)
  • September 29, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
I forwarded this question to a physicist friend and am awaiting his answer.
  • September 29, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
That's awesome. Thank you Linda. It is a funny thing. I can fully understand what I got out of it but more in a way of absorbing it in full rather than in a way that I can break it down to verbalize it. So I struggle with explaining because in one way it is so big that I can barely comprehend it and...
  • September 29, 2013
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Safari Woman
Noting this segment of a video Linda posted by Michael Talbot - http://www.youtube.com/wa...
  • October 2, 2013
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