EXCERPTS: The latest sales pitch to the American people defending “green” energy and the wind turbines that now litter American plains and countryside that used to be beautiful and picturesque landscapes is a matter of going on offense by the people who stand to profit from “green” energy.  The sales vehicle?  A slick, full fledged marketing campaign for Siemens, the German manufacturer of the big white eyesores, produced by Ogilvy & Mather, one of the most expensive and prestigious advertising agencies in the world.  Check out the full length television spot at the link below.

As Mary Kay Barton at Somewhat Reasonable points out, it’s what is NOT in the ad campaign that the American people need to know:

  • Due to the expense to the populace, Germany – once the world’s jump in feet first without considering the consequences leader in “green” energy – is abandoning the concept and returning to cheaper energy sources.
  • The market in Europe is drying up for green and renewable energy sources, so the manufacturers of the equipment are looking to the US as a way to pad earnings which have fallen off in recent months.
  • Among the deals made with renewable energy companies by the U.S. Federal Government are 30-year permits to kill eagles, a federal crime for anyone else in the country.
  • And then there was this gem:  As Warren Buffett recently admitted, “We get tax credits if we build lots of wind farms.  That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.

No other reason, huh.  Well if that wasn’t a Freudian slip by the Oracle of Omaha, I don’t know what is.

Back in August, this writer published a piece on a debilitating side effect of wind turbines to humans – and wildlife –  called infrasound.



These monstrosities dot the world. Insane.

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