(Not only is this a good article with lots of helpful links, but the site is also a great resource.)

EXCERPTS: By: - Climate DepotAugust 27, 2014

AP’s Seth Borenstein: UN panel: Global warming human-caused, dangerous – ‘The report used the word risk 351 times in just 127 pages’ - Global warming is here, human-caused and probably already dangerous — and it’s increasingly likely that the heating trend could be irreversible, a draft of a new international science report says. – Borenstein excited: ‘UN report uses word irreversible 36 times: ‘the risk of abrupt & irreversible change increases as the magnitude of the warming increases’


Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook takes apart point-by-point the new draft of UN climate report: “What is really astonishing, is how the discredited IPCC can continue to put out such nonsense totally contrary to real evidence and still pretend to be scientists.” 

Geologist Dr. Don J. Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor at Western Washington University, a UN IPCC expert reviewer, has authored ten books and 150 journal publications. Presented 31 research papers at international meetings in 13 countries outside the US

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