Bernie Sanders Easter Sunday Propaganda
Melania Trump
Trump won five states 4-26-16
Bernie Sanders first day as president he will plant the magic trees that grow the free stuff
Who is better qualified to be president Trump or Rubio
Priorities for choosing your candidate Which one has the largest johnson
Janet Reno quote Trump will never be president in my life time - watch out what you ask for
John Kasich and George Soros
Jacinta Gonzalez Works for George Soros Trump Protestor chained herself to car
Michelle Fields Assault Claims History
Have a nice government dependent socialist day from Ocasio Cortez
The Reason Bernie Sanders Supporters are Kids
Bernie Sanders Wants to End Tax Exemptions for Churches
So...the Man is back
Trump reads Winners arent losers to Jeb Bush LOL
Bernie Sanders Nothing says progress like a 74 year old Eurpean style Socialist
Under Kasich Ohio Schools have fallen from 5th to 23rd
Make America Great Again RUM
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