130425113424 baby 1 CPS Assaults Father and Snatches Baby from Mother After Doctor Discharges Baby from Hospital<var id="yiv3465906047yui-ie-cursor"></var>


Health Impact News Editor Comments:

Kudos to News 10 KXTV in Sacramento for exposing the actions of Child Protection Services (CPS) in this case, which has led to outrage among the citizens of Sacramento California who have seen this story covered on their station the past few days. This is a clear example of abuse in a government agency, and the violation of parents’ rights.

This couple did everything right in caring for their baby, seeking the medical treatment he needed. When one hospital was negligent in their patient care endangering their child, they removed him from that hospital and took him to a different hospital, where he was discharged by a physician and cleared to return home. But apparently the first hospital reported the family to CPS, and CPS came with police to the family’s home, and allegedly removed the baby from the mother’s arms after assaulting the husband to get his keys and enter the home, without a warrant.

As you will see from the second video report below from News 10, even after media exposure to this tragedy and public outrage, they still have not released the child to the parents as of late Friday night. A hearing before a judge could not be arranged until Monday.

To understand the financial motives behind states and CPS funding, and why so many children are legally abducted from their parents and put into foster care, see: Child Abuse Laws: Legally Abducting Children by Broadening the Definition of “Child Abuse”


UPDATE from Friday Night (4/28/2013)

Baby still in custody of CPS even after media coverage and community outrage – Parents get only 1 hour with child with NO cameras allowed


Sacramento couple fights to get their baby boy back from authorities



Tables Turned? Update on Sacramento couple and CPS fight....





The treaty, 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)' HAS been signed but has NOT been ratified, to the best of my knowledge. 
Under this Convention, things will change, for the worse,  immeasurably!  Not only will you have the United States government in your family affairs but ...
  • May 2, 2013
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Safari Woman
These stories horrify me. I pray they will get their precious child back soon. If I were them and I got her back, I'd take my baby and leave this hell hole of a country that we have become.
  • May 2, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
One would have to leave North America...it happens here in Canada also! These stories horrify me! I actually have a girlfriend who has had her two little ones taken away by CPS due to a cousin who she threw out of her home. He called them on her for revenge. Long story short....she had to sign away ...
  • May 3, 2013
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It seems like even the agencies with watch dogs don't get in trouble for wrong doing either. What is happening to our country?
  • May 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
People have been asleep for too long.....they became complacent and allowed the Gov't. and the Agencies to much authority over everyone's lives.
It's not just America either....it's my country of Canada also and in Europe and the UK.....
Worst case scenarios were never even considered or l...
  • May 3, 2013
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I know of a similiar case, so yes, it DOES happen!  I thnk the CPS employees allow the power to go to their heads.  And they're like leeches......once they get blood they just won't let go unless it's on their terms!  
  • May 4, 2013
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Mark Bailey is online.
I saw this on The O'Reilly Factor Friday. The baby was released to his parents but is still in custody. More than scarey.
  • May 4, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Released to his parents but still in custody....? So...do the parents have the little boy with them at their house or does that mean that they get to spend some time with him and he lives someplace else?......
This is their child, whom they love and they did what any parent would do ( hopefully) in a...
  • May 4, 2013
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Mark Bailey is online.
The child is in custody but still under CPS supervision. The parents have one hour a day visitations without any type of cameras in the room.
  • May 4, 2013
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And they believe that this takes no emotional toll on the child?  My greatgranddaughter-in-law had a baby yesterday (5/03) and she is NOT breastfeeding.  Before they handed her the baby they told her it HAD to be skin to skin so they could 'bond".   
So assuming that all kids bond and that the powers...
  • May 4, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
So basically...they don't have their son back! They don't have any say on how their child is treated and what is happening medically to their child. Isn't that just lovely.
One hour a day visit.....wow! Glad to see that CPS really cares about this child's welfare and mental health!
  • May 4, 2013
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