The sound of his shoes clicked over the marble floors of the Halls of Congress as he scurried toward the exit. Once outside he hailed a cab.
“Where to?” The cabby asked.
“China Town” he half way grunted.
When he arrived at his destination, he tossed a hundred dollar bill at the driver as he exited and said, “Keep the change.”
Then he turned to face the door of what was without argument the seediest bar in the worse part of town, took a deep breath and contemplated the meeting ahead of him. Once inside he walked straight past the tables into the back room. None of the cast of characters seated inside dared look up at him with more than a glance.
He flipped on the light and took out a wad of keys. The key he was looking for stood out for being an old-fashioned Victorian style. The skull top with red gem eyes stared up at him when his fingers found the right one. He walked over to a small closet door, inserted the key, turned the handle, stepped inside and shut the door to stand in complete darkness.
A moment later, the time traveler found himself once again in the underground chamber where over the years many similar meetings had taken place. This time there was only one small torch with a low flame burning in a faraway corner. The table and chairs were still there but the magnificent bar he was accustomed to pouring himself a drink from had vanished. He made his way over to the table and sat down. There was nothing to do now but wait for the appearance of The Voice from the Shadows. He sat in silence. The sweat beaded up on his brow.
Suddenly the voice shrieked out angrily from behind every wall. “So, you come to tell me of our defeat do you?”
The time traveler froze. He had never heard the word defeat from the voice before. He arrived thinking their meeting was about merely another setback. Wasn’t there always another plan? He wondered.
“Speak! Speak to me you fool. Tell me. How did it happen that our centuries of torture, pain and despair have been undone? Tell me quickly before I am forced back into my private lair by that damned light approaching!” said the voice.
Grasping to understand what The Voice from the Shadows wanted to hear, the time traveler cleared his throat and began. “I followed your instructions to set in place the bombing of the Boston Marathon on Patriots Day, April 15th, 2013. It seemed to be a painfully gritty smack down during a time when fear was already thick from our constant bombardment of oppression and threats. The carnage and suffering were well documented and our propaganda machine did its job making sure every nation saw America’s blood and heard their screams. We blamed the opposition and politicized it the same way we always do. By all accounts, it seemed to be every bit of a success. Our armies celebrated.”
“Our armies celebrated?” The voice screamed, “What did they celebrate, their own impending destruction?”
The time traveler again cleared his throat, “We thought we won at least a small victory.”
“Do you call what has happened since then a victory?” The voice boomed like a clap of thunder shaking the walls with its echoes until some of the small rocks in the crevices fell out. When finally, the echoes died off and there was nothing but absolute silence, the voice spoke again but it sounded drained and weak, a characteristic the time traveler had never heard from it before. “I feel the heat of the light as it nears. Spare me the details. My time here is short, give me the big picture.”
The time traveler collected his thoughts before beginning his summary account. “From that day forward, the resistance grew stronger by the hour. We of course intensified our attack but when they began giving up their petty in fighting the divisions we were previously able to constantly stir among them just disappeared.”
“Finally a few of their leaders gathered to draw a line of accountability. They stopped allowing the dark to co-mingle with the light and the gray areas where we previously were able to hide no longer existed. Some called it the separating of the wheat and the tares.“
“Wheat and tares?” the voice snapped, causing the time traveler to sit back and clinch his hands into defensive fists where they had rested on the table. “If they refer to wheat and tares, it means we did not destroy that awful wretched, book and their belief in it well enough! Damn that book!” The Voice from the Shadows screamed. “But what about our brainwashing and that lovely plan we used against them. What did you call it again? I thought it was such a catchy name when you came up with it.”
The time traveler shut his eyes and hoped he was correct about what the voice referenced. “Do you mean politically correct thinking?” he asked.
“Yes, that! PC! What happened to that?” the voice hissed at him.
The time traveler was uncertain how to respond because he had truly believed it was a brilliant concept that people would never figure their way out of. He had calculated any attempt to do so would bring self-induced shame upon them and stir up the painful false guilt they had so deftly implanted in their minds.
“Well? Hurry up man, the light will be here shortly!” the voice insisted.
The time traveler collected his thoughts for a few seconds more and carried on. “The mind control that caused them to allow the blurring of good with evil dissipated for those who stood on the side of…” He stopped abruptly.
Then the voice spoke out with a sneer, “Well go ahead man, let me hear you say it. Let me hear the victor’s name out of your lips, the very same lips that you promised me we would win with.”
“…with God. They stood on the side of God.” He dared not pause but hurried on, “Our servants who stood opposed to the resistance continued not to see the deceptions that kept them in the dark due to their weakened minds. They believed the lies we told them about the extent of their power and became brave beyond their capacity to deliver on their false perceptions. They had no issue with standing up to the resistance. They falsely believed there was no chance that they would not win. PC worked on them as we expected.”
“We were well armed but so were they and in the end it was their words that became their strongest weapons. As they spoke the truth while advancing, many recently recruited to our side heard them and moved to step back over the line into the light. We thought this was just another minor uprising and we pressed down on them continually with all of our might and all of our will. Nevertheless, no matter how hard we pushed, we could not crush their spirits and they pushed back harder. You must understand that with each new member their strength grew not by one but by a legion as they were multiplied by…. .” The time traveler looked down, “by…… God.”
He stopped in expectation of an angry reaction from the voice, but instead he heard a rumbling sound and a throng of voices from afar. He knew he must hurry to finish his account before the sound grew louder and the light he assumed was coming with it moved upon the chamber.
“When the pressure failed,” he continued, “we attacked with everything we had in our arsenal. We hurled bombs and bullets along with insults and curses but the numbers and strength of the men and women of the light only grew with each engagement. As their numbers increased, their strength became impenetrable. Shielded by the hand of God they continued forward over the line reaching into our territory of darkness. As a last resort, we sent our wickedest giants to the front of the line to meet them. But the resistance grew in stature until they towered over them and even our giants were not strong enough to win against their numbers.”
The sounds of the voices grew louder above them and the time traveler raised his voice to continue. “There was nothing we could do! Arm in arm they shined brighter than any sun in the heavens. They blinded our evil ones who fell away to be crushed. Many of our darkest souls melted on contact with the light. Others were captured and taken to face a justice that we have not seen the likes of since the beginning of man’s time on earth. Those that managed to get away were forced to rush back to their caves, their closets or where ever they could find to hide. Some of them even fled back to the pits of hell from whence they came!”
Now he could hear the shouts of the resistance upon them and the time traveler stood up and yelled out his final words. “Their light is fueled by a passion that we did not expect. It is beyond what we can comprehend but surely not beyond what we can learn to get around!” By now covered with sweat, he ripped off his jacket and tie to better tolerate the heat that came with their light. He yelled at the voice, “Are you through with me now? Can I go before it is too late? “Rocks shaken loose by what was now a thunderous roar began to fall all around him.
“Go? Go where?” The voice yelled back, “Where will you hide from this if not here with me?”
“I can go back or forward to anywhere to any time! You know that! You are the one who gave me the power! I can change things the same way I have done so many times before. We will try again and we will get it right next time!”
“Silence!” The Voice from the Shadows screamed at him. “You cannot know that we will succeed without the perspective of the future. You have not traveled to the future created by my letting you go but I have seen it many times. This is not the first meeting we have had under these disappointing circumstances and if I send you back, it will not be the last. For as far forward as I have traveled, I always send you back to try again. Each time, no matter what you try, it always ends up the same. You come back here with the news about how we lost!” I’m done with it and with you!”
In the blink of an eye, the time traveler found himself transported to where he sensed was further below the cavern of their meeting. As he heard the many layers of giant doors slamming shut behind him, he stood there dumbfounded by the glittering gold and gems that appeared as far as his eyes could see. He had never been in the lair of The Voice from the Shadows before. At first, his mouth watered at the idea that he would share such wealth for its worldly value would be immeasurable, and for a moment, he reveled in what he could do with these newfound riches. That is, until he realized that here it was worthless. There was no one to envy it or desire to be its owner. It became apparently clear, it was all for nothing.
As he stared out at the sea of golden trinkets and treasures out of the corner of his eye, he saw a sword slowly rise up and hang from the air. It seemed to be floating almost as if in defiance. It was unlike any other item in that it did not sparkle with gold or glitter with gems. It was a dull colored simply crafted weapon yet there it hung above all.
“What’s that?” The time traveler asked.
The voice said, “You can’t guess? Look at it. Look at the blood on its blade. It is the blood of the carpenter. It has followed me endlessly since the day it pierced his side. It mocks me by making itself known in the company of such real treasures as I have amassed over the ages.”
The time traveler stood staring at it transfixed and afraid to move. There was nowhere to hide from this sword, of that he was sure. Suddenly it moved to point its tip to just inches away from his face right between his eyes. His face contorted with horror at the expectations of imminent pain. “Is this finally the end of me?” He wondered aloud. Had he had traveled the earth back and forth through the eons creating havoc and pain just to end up at the mercy of the same sword that had no mercy for the King of Kings? If it had no mercy for the Son of God, how could he expect it to have mercy for him a servant of darkness and all that is twisted and sick in the world?
“Spare me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He cried out.”
It just hung there in front of him as if deciding the time traveler’s fate. Then the mighty sword lifted up, flew to the back of the room and slid itself through the latch hooks securing the doors sealing the time traveler and The Voice from the Shadows permanently inside.
Instantly the voice screamed out, “Noooo!” At the same time in the realization of the terms of his imprisonment, the time traveler collapsed to his knees in despair before falling flat on his face. He thought he would have been better off dead. With tears of frustration rolling out of his eyes, he finally managed to speak. “The resistance stands firmly together on the side of God. It has retaken America. Freedom will reign again!” Then he sobbed loudly, “God’s will was done on earth as it is in heaven!”
Upon hearing that, The Voice from the Shadows exploded into a sound so horrific that it would have driven Satan himself completely insane as it became a rushing roaring tornado made up of the sounds of all of the suffering ever caused by the two of them combined.
It lasted for eternity.
The end - The beginning
Copyright 2013 Wanda Hope Carter All Rights Reserved. No duplication without express written permission.
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It is easy to forget the purveyors of evil are the minority when they have the press and media on their side. Their days are numbered and they know it.
Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash
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