Michell 0bama has done it again with one of her nonsense campaigns about children and their eating habits.  This however is a bit different.  The letter comes from one of her "once" adoring admirers.  And who can blame the now lost and gone forever admirer.  Recently at a Fitness Plan day held in Chicago at McCormick center the following events took place.  Read it and see how much our not so esteemed leader's not so esteemed wife bothers to really care for children.  Forgive me if I seem jaded on the subject of both the first lady and the president, but I have found that I really don't appreciate prevaricators at all.    

> http://politicaloutcast.c...

Kahaluu Girl
NOT COOL M.O.!....poor kids, (and teachers) I start to whack out a little if I don't eat a little something every 3-4 hours, I can only imagine how they were feeling....ya know what they say "actions speak louder than words"...M.O., just another poser!
  • March 5, 2013
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Safari Woman
WOW just WOW! If one of those kids had been diabetic what might have happened? This was a terrible abuse of them. The obamas could not care less for the American people than they already do. Anything they say that is otherwise is a bold faced LIE.
  • March 5, 2013
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What can you expect from a woman who claims to have been a twenty year member and participant of a church that preaches hatred for America.  And once again (and this is my pet peeve) why not go to the SOURCE of the problem which is the parent!  It's that parent who should be in control of buying, co...
  • March 6, 2013
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Safari Woman
Great idea!
  • March 7, 2013
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