
Apparently we don't recognize a terrorist even when they are self proclaimed.  Anjem Choudary, an outspoken, radical, Muslim cleric in Great Britain has urged his fellow Islamists to apply for all "Jihadseekers" benefits available to British citizens.  Calling British workers, slaves, Choudary spoke well of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers and urged his followers to have "hate in their hearts" for concepts like democracy, freedom and freedom of religion.   Choudary himself lives in a $500,000 house in East London while collecting $39,000 annually for what is technically unemployment. 

In the past Choudary has called for the deaths of British PM's as well as obama.  He's openly promoted violence and hatred to all things influenced by the West.  His frequent rants are inciteful, vicious and threatening but year after year he is allowed to make his threats under the guise of freedom of speech. 

But try to imagine how it would make you feel if you lived in the UK and had to hear this man's ravings while paying him an annual stipend because he cannot find a job that he hasn't been looking for?    It's ludicrous!  An insult to all fair minded, generous tax payers! 

Anjem Choudary IS a terrorist but he is still a full fledged British citizen with full rights and benefits of the UK.   Several years ago a small group of Muslims stood on a street corner in NYC chanting 'Death to America' while stomping on an American flag which they eventually burned.  So you see, this IS and HAS BEEN happening here too and we turn our heads as well............................



William Davis Hall
People want to think this can't happen here when it already is happening here. Ms Calzone I don't know what it will take to wake those people up until it hits them personally and by then it will be too late.  About Coudary, I don't understand how he gets away with terroristic threats. Don't they hav...
  • February 17, 2013
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Please call me Lois.  You know, long before your or I heard of the European Union Queen Elizabeth was working on it's implementation without the input or consent of the people.  We're probably talking 25+ years.  Europe brought this on themselves because the EU is like America where you can move aro...
  • February 17, 2013
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Safari Woman
That we tolerate this is just beyond me. That they tolerate him - ditto..
  • February 19, 2013
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