R. A. Schultz






Wuhan, Peoples Republic of China, is the origin of this current cluster-foxtrot.  Early mythology (which is only a few weeks old) has the disease “jumping” (leaping?) from “exotic” animals on sale for food at the market some 20 miles north of the PRC biochemical weapons laboratories in Wuhan.  WOW!  What a coincidence!




Can someone in the Clinton administration please explain to me WHY the PRC was allowed to have a biochemical weapons laboratory established in Wuhan, or at ALL, for that matter?




A very brief tour of the Wuhan Market was VERY briefly posted on You-Tube.  I don’t know that it can still be accessed, but if it can, it is truly instructional.  On sale at the open air “market” are such delightful Chinese culinary delicacies as live dog, live cat, live chicken, dead rat, dead bat, farmed tilapia (which we can buy frozen here at Winn-Dixie), live snake (take yer pick, and who knows WHAT they’ve eaten?), live monkeys (for their delightful brains as well as their flesh), rotting water buffalo, aged (for how long?) crocodile tail, plus all manner and form of “fresh” vegetables (and farmed rice) amply fertilized by human feces ripe with the disease du jour.  Hungry yet?




Personally, I used to really enjoy an occasional luncheon of Chinese food.  Now I wouldn’t touch the sh** if it was the only fare available.  And the same goes for ANYTHING that’s a “Product of China.”  If I can buy something else even at twice the price, I will.






Safari Woman
so gross! I started seriously boycotting made in China in 1980 - although I don't remember what set me off on that other than I was always against trading with communist countries. I remember the year because I moved to St A and made a lot of life committements that year. Sometimes early on I did wi...
  • March 23, 2020
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