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This is from December but it still applies. It wears me out defending being a conservative although I admit that the Republican party has let me down a lot not for lack of support of blacks but because of their general policies. However, there is no way I would or could ever be a member of that foul group that call themselves Democrats. Black people who claim they deserve reparations from the days of slavery need to take a good look at who is keeping them down today. It isn't the Republicans who reward them for staying dependent and not aspiring to attain a better life. 

Following is a good article on the subject. 

Safari Woman
Will, I told you about my associate who was a life long republican that voted for obama because he was black. (Actually because he was bi-racial due to his daughter also being biracial, he is black) -- anyway, although he gets it about the Democrats he still voted for obama for all of the wrong reas...
  • February 2, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
I believe there are way more black Republicans (conservatives, really) than the press is willing to admit. For the record, I count myself as an independent.
Stick to your principles, and your guns.
  • February 2, 2013
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Ken Brock
People with common sense are an endangered species. Black, White, Brown, What ever color who cares, the point is anyone capable of thinking for themselves will not and can not choose to side with the democrats. People who vote for looks whether it is skin color or something else have no business vot...
  • February 3, 2013
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