It is time to send the common core pushers with their Big Education cronies a message. If you stand with the educrats and against our kids and against quality teachers, you will not win in Florida.

Adam Putnam is Jeb's handpicked puppet so it is no wonder he supports common core, and the continuous rolling reforms that are Jeb's meal ticket. Installing Putnam in the Florida Governors office will ensure the continuing of common core until it takes over every subject in our classroom. The sell out of our children to the leftist, un-American, indoctrination agenda will be entrenched for generations.

Supporting Common core is one thing. However, it is the contempt that Putnam displays for parents that makes him so dangerous. Putnam laments that parents are "concerned about the rate of reform, the rate of transformation in education". He seems to mock parents who think they are experts on education. However, parent are seeing what the untested and incoherent transformations are  having on their own kids.

We need to stop People like Adam Putnam and we need to let him know it was his support for common core stopped him Jeb Bush learned that if you hurt our children with things like common core, we Floridians will reject you. Let's reject Putnam and tell him parents are the ultimate experts on their own kids.


Safari Woman
ty shared - I've not voting for him ... unless Ron loses then the golden rule kicks in,  I'd vote for a pile of pond scum before I'd vote for a Democrap... seriously I think Ron has this - at least I hope so
  • August 17, 2018
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