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Autumn equinox arrives on the day the movers will be here. My home is now a house, a very messy one at that. I can't picture how I can be done by Friday with the packing but I plug away at it anyway. 

I has a mega sad when I look around.

Possibly the most unique thing about my situation is that I don't know if anything I have planned about the sale of the house or the purchase of the new seastead will happen. Yet, I toil till exhaustion as if they will. 

This time next week I will either be homeless or heading to a new destination. How exciting?! How exhausting! I can't wait until the first day I can sleep in after sleeping in the entire night before as well.

The more I do, the more it looks like needs to be done. 

Onward and upward!  

Or at least onward............... 


Just a few of my favorite things waiting to be shoved in a box. I have four storage rooms and can only hope it is enough room. Two are already nearly full of THINGS.


Mark Bailey
Is that a giant ant head on the table?
  • September 20, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
it took me a bit to figure out what item you referred to lol I think you are talking about my IPU Hawaiian native drum
  • September 20, 2017
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