"You've got to be taught before it's too late before you are six or seven or eight to hate all the people your relatives hate, you've got to be carefully taught" Lyrics from the musical South Pacific, song by the "sexy Lieutenant", Cable, who falls in love with an island girl.

The movie was released in 1958, 58 years ago.

It is 2016, what we're seeing to day is so much more sinister.

The news reports that kids are to be/being implanted with "micro-chips", this article speaks to what is an evil "mind-chip", intentional indoctrination and control of kids' mind by schools who are tasked with teaching our young in ways that make them productive, thriving, contributing members of our society/communities. 

Liberal School separates white students and teaches them they are born racists.




Safari Woman
Good grief! I thank God my kids are out of school. I don't know how I could stand what is happening in the schools today. This is not progress - this is akin to child abuse to teach them such lies as this. It makes me livid to even hear of it happening. Someone should sit those teachers down and ask...
  • July 3, 2016
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Laurel Victory
I found it disgusting and just couldn't imagine it! Used to teach in schools, don't think I'd want to step foot in them--either wrangling with the teachers, administration, parents, kids or board about curriculum, discipline, principles and their roles re: sexuality etc. Know there are some really g...
  • July 3, 2016
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