The Guardian reports that Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama endorses Trump, They say "He and Trump have long been closely tied. Sessions helped Trump draft his immigration policy and a long-time Sessions aide recently joined the Trump campaign." So, we shouldn't be surprised, If illegal immigration is all someone cares about, they will over look anything.

The only thing I knew about Senator Sessions is that he is tough on illegal immigration. It may be more important to him then the Constitution, for whatever reason

When Ann Coulter endorsed Donald Trump she tweeted " I don't care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper." Donald Trump will get endorsements that Ted Cruz cannot get because Ted Cruz will not lie. You would think that Sessions and Coulter could realize that is does not matter what a liar like Trump says or promises, because he lies!

Apparently, Senator Jefferson Sessions and Ann Coulter are sick and tired of waiting for the Constitution. Which is remarkable since the Constitutional candidate, Senator Ted Cruz is rock solid on the border and immigration? They must think a promise of a bird in the bush from a serial liar is better than a bird in the hand. Trumps, has flipped on immigration since 2012 so hard he hurt his head. Charlrs Krauthammer called hin out on it late last year.

I just hope they apologize to the American people when Trump goes over to the chamber of commerce side after he gets elected. Or worse yet when Hillary’s opposition research team digs up the dirt on Donald Trump. Needless to say some recent endorsements that Trump has been getting from the south may make him unelectable in the general election So we must continue to support the only Constitutional conservative left in the primary.

Read the Guardian article for reasons that Senator Sessions may never have endorsed Cruz or Rubio.

Safari Woman
wow Sessions wrote his policy - well, some will say GOOD right? I have no idea what is going to happen with this election other than it hasn't so far been and won't be pretty. Thanks great blog!
  • March 1, 2016
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Joseph Ryan
What's going to happen is what always happens, Liars will triumph over truth. If you let them.
  • March 2, 2016
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