Trump did great, (but I think he needs to acknowledge his 100% halt to visas of all Muslims might not be the best idea for the big picture.) Best moment, Talking about China. Worst Moment, Response to Cruz about Cruz eligibility issue.

Ted Cruz did great, (but I think Trump, Rubio, and the Hosts united to expose weak areas he is being attacked on successfully.) Best moment, response to eligibility question and Trump. Worst Moment, Response to Trump about New York comment.

Marco Rubio did great, (but I think Cruz and Christie were able to expose weak areas he is being attacked on successfully.) Best moment, Response about national security and foreign policy. Worst Moment, Response to Cruz about amnesty positions and record.

Ben Carson did good, (but I think he needs to stop closing his eyes so much and he still seems apprehensive to be assertive in a time when strength is needed.) Best moment, Interrupting to make sure it was known that his tax plan has been rated best by multiple respected sources. Worst moment, nervously laughing at the end of a comment in a weak and vulnerable manner was a snapshot of the personae he gave off.

Chris Christie did okay, (but I think there was nothing outstanding about his answers to make him move much forward.) Best Moment was his recounting of his record and experience. Worst moment, Showing major support for the restoration of the NSA powers.

Jeb Bush did okay, (but I think even though he had his best night yet for strength and message, he's still Jeb Bush at the end of the day.) Best moment, addressing Trumps position on halting all Muslim visas. Worst moment, Closing statement.

John Kasich did good, (but I think he's isn't charismatic, RINO enough or anti-establishment enough to pick up meaningful support from any group.) Best moment, describing his mother, father and family being responsible for the kind of people he represents. Worse moment, Showing support for the TPP.

I rate it the best debate performances and hosting so far.


Dale Barnes
I thought Trump's best moment was mentioning how New York came together after 911. John Kasich's closing statement wasn't much to write home about either. I thought John's best moment was after the debate talking with Kavuto about not being interested in the VP spot. Agree Carson is too timid and mi...
  • January 15, 2016
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Safari Woman is online.
All good points. If there are only five people on the stage next time, I can only account for who the top three will probably be, the other two would be harder to pick.
  • January 16, 2016
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Dale Barnes
Bush and Ben
  • January 19, 2016
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R Potts
Get ready for it. It's going to be the Donald. I think he will choose Rubio for VP but I don't know if Rubio will accept. He ought to.
  • January 16, 2016
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Safari Woman is online.
IF Donald really believes what he said about the -?- over Cruz - you could be right.
  • January 16, 2016
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Walter D.
In terms of how they did, I think Trump, Rubio, Kasich and Jeb were strongest this time. I think the last four standing will be Trump, Cruz, Rubio and either Kasick or Jeb. I still don't know who I will vote for.
  • January 17, 2016
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