The following can be found in the following book;

"You Know Something is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", by Anna Maria Riezinger & James Clinton Belcher, pgs 114-118.

"The Federal Reserve (Association) Banks and their Cronies in "Congress"pass the "Federal Reserve Act" and establish a fiat money system to be used by the United States, Inc and it's many franchises as legal tender.

The banks are given a license for 100 years to print money and recieve full face value of the bills, plus interest as an additional profit.

So, it costs them 4 cents to print each "Federal Reserve Note" --- and they got the full face value of that bill back plus interest from the Americans.

This was done despite every law against usury and despite the requirement for real money stated in The Constitution for the united States of America that was (and is) still in effect, and still owed to the American States on the land.

The Federal Reserve Association and it's "Board of Governors" designed the "Federal Reserve System" as a means to entrap Americans into eternal indebtedness that could only increase exponentially. Every time anyone "paid" a debt with a "Federal Reserve Note" they accrued more debt for themselves.

And they had no other practicle choice then to use "Federal Reserve Notes" because the Federal Reserve System had a legalized monopoly.

The "Federal Reserve System" took no risk, paid nobody for anything, and simply "collected" the debt.

That means they cheated Americans out of their labor and resources in exchange for promises to pay --- siphoned it all off in "exchange" for worthless paper.


In 2009 the "Federal Reserve System transferred the bulk of it's assets to a new (legal) entity organized under the UNITED NATIONS, INC. doing business as (dba) THE FEDERAL RESERVE, INC., dba THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. , and declaring the old version bankrupt ---- leaving the hapless Americans to pay "their" National Debt. And what are we supposed to pay with?

According to "Congress" --- with MORE NOTES!

This is an obviouse criminal fraud scheme, but nobody is doing anything about it... EXCEPT...

The 133 Nations already spearheading the BRICs Initiative... over half the world's population.... China, Russia, India, Brizil...

THEY are looking at the Brits' the Canadians, the Aussies, and most of all at the Americans, wondering.... "When are you going to wake up?"


Topical link found on The Drudge Report this morning, 12/25/2015;

This is why this topic should dominate the presidential debates. It's being naive to think that those running don't know of this. They are just playing the game.
  • December 25, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Just playin' the game, Mike. The destruction of America is just a game to them.
  • December 26, 2015
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Walter D.
I looked for more information about the 2009 maneuver. I can't find anything on it, including at their site. http://www.federalreserve...
  • December 26, 2015
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I had heard that their charter was going to expire in 2013. I was off of the net for over a year and kind of forgot about it. Here is what I found looking now. The one comment at the end is especially interesting.
  • December 26, 2015
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Walter D.
  • January 1, 2016
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Safari Woman
Sorry it took so long to comment - getting rid of the fed reserve and the IRS would help me out a lot to really have hope for the future. Until then...... different day, same boot on my head.
  • December 30, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
We'd all be better off, that's why they'll never get rid of it.
  • December 31, 2015
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Janice  Vicks
It sure is a scam.
  • December 30, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Ain't that the truth.
  • December 31, 2015
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Sister Sarah
It scares me to think what it will take to wake Americans up. If the clear mess we are in today isn't enough to shake them out of their stupor, and it has to get much worse than this, I don't think I want to still be around by the time they do.
  • January 7, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Me thinks God is going to keep many of us around. A true test of faith, no?
  • January 8, 2016
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All I can say is, we gave them the authority, the power and they've run with it. If this, and any other government snafu annoys or frightens us, we have the ultimate power to do something about it.

And to 'do something' undoubtedly means that lives will be lost because no matter how many people oppo...
  • February 9, 2016
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