Oct 4, 2015

It took a lot of searching to discover some of these items I'm posting and I've left off the mainstream reported facts that most people are apparently aware of. I find the networks oddly relatively quiet about this latest mass shooting event. Normally I've seen one side or the other of groups going strong after similar past situations. I've thought about the reasons why this might be and one idea is that it is because the shooter appears to be all over the place with his beliefs, interests and loyalties. He touches bases with several prominent groups that usually show up to point fingers in the other direction making it more difficult for any given "side" to take up the cause of exposure. He was a troubled individual, a lonely loner caught up in an attraction to evil and potentially dangerous beliefs who took advantage of a no gun zone to bring attention to himself by murdering innocents. 

Maybe we will eventually discover if it was primarily his desire to serve evil as a reported manefesto claims, or his loyalties to any of the following references found in varying reports such as the NRA, Aliester Crowley, His Muslim friend on Myspace, the IRA, the wiccans, black lives matter groups, or any of several other associations he favored.

In tragedies like this, survivors and victims families always want to know "Why did this happen?" Society owes them that answer if at all possible. We also owe it to ourselves. In spite of the fact that as usual the left is screaming for more gun control, when a sick twisted individual takes advantage of a gun free zone, the most controlled gun environment there is, we need to look deeper to see the type of persons doing that to potentially help prevent it from happening again.

At any rate, following in no particular order are the top ten items I find still disputed by those who haven't done due diligence in their searching. Below here I've attached several articles including those that I might not agree with their bent, but I post for the sources they bring to light. Many of the items screen shot in the videos or articles are no longer appearing online at their original sources. As usual every one will have a different idea at the end because so far no one investigative report has put these things together in one place to make a strong case one way or the other. 

1. - Originally described as a white male, the shooter identified himself as mixed race on a dating site and his mother is indeed black.

2. - A twitter account linked to ISIS claimed responsibility for the shooting

3. - The shooter was a Satanist disliking organized religion with interests in Magick (the spelling of the word as supported by Aliester Crowley)

4. - The shooter was registered as an Independent not a Republican as he claimed on his dating site profile

5. - Alek Skarlatos, one of the American heroes who stopped the terrorist attack on a train in Paris was a student at this college and would have been there if not for a last minute change of plans

6. - Mahmoud Ali Ehsani was one of the only two Myspace friends of the shooter, who posted violent Muslim terrorist images on his page

7. - The shooter aligned with Nazi elements such as by using ironcross45@gmail.com as his email address on networks

8. - The shooter graduated from the Switzer Center in California where students were divided between those with learning disabilities and behavioral problems

9. - The shooter's mother was an open carry supporter who bragged about her arsenal of weapons

10. - The shooter had  a manifesto stating that he serves Satan

(Disclaimer - these items are all reported in the links below and I am listing them under the current assumption they are accurate reports.)

In summary, the thing I see the most in reports is his attraction to evil which is the one thing that Aliester Crowley, Sex Magick, Nazi's, and Muslim Terrorists have in common.

Gary Duggan
Great! Best report seen on this yet.
  • October 4, 2015
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Safari Woman is online.
WOW Thank you! I appreciate that you passed it along on twitter as well.
  • October 4, 2015
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Gary Duggan
Always pass the good stuff. Hope the Treepers get to see it.
  • October 4, 2015
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Mark Bailey
  • October 4, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Well done, Saf. As stated, he did seem to be all over the place in his "beliefs", but it seems Lucifer has his life now.
  • October 4, 2015
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Linda Mihalic
Excellent. Shared.
  • October 4, 2015
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The only one of these I heard about was the train hero. It seems like the media is trying to quickly sweep this under the rug.
  • October 4, 2015
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Lucas Delgado
I've noticed a lack of interest from the left to jump on this story. What is being reported is whitewashed in the same way CNN white washed his photograph.
  • October 5, 2015
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Sister Sarah
People want to blame everything but the person who did it.
  • October 6, 2015
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Yo Adrienne
  • October 6, 2015
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