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I'm tired of people always assuming that everything I do should be or is about race. When I didn't vote for Obama I had to constantly explain why not to those who thought I was betraying my race. Now that I support Ben Carson there are others saying it is just because he is my race. 

Why is everything always about race? Am I not capable of having legitimate feelings and thoughts about a person for reasons outside of the color their skin? 

Stop the madness people. 

When I look at the field of candidates there is only one top criteria for me to start the process of picking who I like and that is if they are a good Christian. Ben is a brilliant man who has spent his life healing people and he genuinely gives the glory to God and seems like the most faithful Christian on the stage. I would like to see the system turned on its head by not putting a career politician in the white house. I like his ideas. I think he would serve this country honorably and he might be the one and only one who can put a lid on the racial tensions. Except for the last thing I mentioned, it isn't about him being a black man, it is about him being the best servant of the Lord. 

May God's will be done. 

To everyone who assumes a black man isn't capable of voting for any reasons other than to support "a brother" grow up. Obama is not my brother in Christ or in conservativism. Ben Carson is and if Ben were white, I would feel the same way about him. 

If Ben doesn't make the final cut there are others I can support without too much soul searching but for my first choice, I pick Ben.

Thank you for giving me a place to vent. 

Safari Woman
Welcome back William, I've missed seeing you around. I can imagine your difficulties! I think Ben is one of the best men running too. And believe it or not as much as I have been bashed for not being a supporter of Obama for his character, or lack thereof, and for his leftist ideologies, I am also n...
  • September 20, 2015
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William Davis Hall
Thank you. I had a good summer and have been busy getting people storm prepared in case we get one this year. I think we are almost in the clear for it now. I'm just tired of it and I'm sure you are too. If I was going to pick for color I would have voted for Obama.
  • September 27, 2015
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Ben Carson actually has it all by way of being a truly good person. His lack of political experience scares me though.

However, I really don't want a president who doesn't have a cabinet to consult because no man can KNOW it ALL. And one who pretends to know-it-all is a fake.
  • September 20, 2015
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William Davis Hall
As smart as Ben is, I'm sure he will be surrounded by very intelligent people if he gets elected.
  • September 27, 2015
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Carl Spencer
Damned if you do and damned if you don't. I know the feeling.
  • September 22, 2015
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William Davis Hall
Yes Carl, that's exactly right.
  • September 27, 2015
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