Why Jeb Bush Could Not Answer Common Core Question at Debate

Did anyone notice that, during the first debate that Jeb did not even answer the question posed to him about common core? He was asked if he still supported common core, he ducked the question and proceeded to say he was against everything that common core has become. Jeb Bush said, “I don’t believe that the Federal Government should be involved in the creation of standards directly or indirectly, the creation of curriculum or content, that is clearly a state responsibility.” Anyone hearing that statement, knowing that he has been promoting common corefor years, can come to only one of four conclusions:

Jeb Bush either is uninformed about common core.

he is really not against federal control of education.

he is promoting something he does not believe in.

There actually is no federal involvement in common core.

All three are troubling for a potential president of the United States, but which one is it? Jeb Bush is an intelligent man, so he must know what millions of us parents, teachers and freedom loving Americans know about common core. We know that the federal government was deeply involved in common core at all stages, but it was Big Education and Big Data corporations working with one-world progressives and government educrats that invented it.

In a National Review article titled “Jeb’s Misleading Talk on Common Core”, Stanley Kurtz clearly spells out how and why Jeb’s answer was misleading, Kurtz wrote that “I am sorry to say that Jeb Bush has been a leading supporter and cheerleader of this process from the start, often portraying what was in fact an illegitimate federal power-grab as a sterling example of local control.”

Jeb must know that federal funding went to two private advocacy groups, The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State Schools Officers (CCSSO). It was the funding of common core through these two official sounding lobbying groups which allows Jeb and others to get away with saying that common core was “state led”, a completely verifiable lie.

Jeb would surely know that common core was only accepted in 47 states because the Obama administration baited the trap with Race To the Top (RTT) funds (the carrot) and kept states in common core with No Child Left Behind waivers (the stick). Both of the common core testing consortium, PARCC and Smarter Balanced received federal funds and federal control. So when he says he is against Federal involvement in education he is either throwing common core under the bus or the truth.

As misleading as Jeb Bush’s answer on common core was, it was his statement in his follow up, which was the most disingenuous. Jeb Bush said that “if states want to opt out of common core, fine”. It only took three signatures to obligate Florida to common core in late December 2009, but it will take the Florida Legislature and the Governor to get us out. Florida Legislators have said privately that no common core relief will pass while Jeb Bush is calling the shots in Florida. With funding from special interests, Jeb Bush runs Florida’s Education Department like his own fiefdom. Hundreds of FOIA emails prove it.

No bills to stop or even examine common core ever make it out of committees chaired by Jeb Bush cronies. You can see it by watching the committee meeting videos. It doesn’t matter if third graders are unjustly held back, common core must go on. Last year, when common core became toxic, Florida changed a few words around and then simply renamed common core to a nice new sunshiny name. Florida spent a fortune for the name change just to give cover to common core supporters running for reelection.

This year’s bill praised by Bush’s Foundation for Florida’s future only served to expand and entrench common core in every subject. The bill outlawed all local school districts and from using locally chosen final exams. Jeb said that opting out is “fine”, but who will risk failing the final exam? So district will start school earlier, will use common core curriculum, and will do whatever it takes to comply. Students and teachers will now be evaluated by the least accurate, most error prone, non-validated assessments we have ever had, with no ability to prove their competencies. Florida Senator Gaetz (A Bush crony) is going to force private schools to do the same.

Jeb Bush’s loyalty to the idea of a top down, one-size fits all education system that completely shuts parents and teachers out of the process, may be admirable, if it was not so profitable. Maybe his loyalty is simply to total government control of education, which was the only substantial result of his education “miracle” while Governor of Florida.

In the end it could simply be that Jeb Bush cannot go against common core because he is following the old adage that "ya dance with the one that brung ya". That would be the Bill Gates, the big testing companies and the monopolistic text book company, Pearson.

Whatever his reason, our children are losing their precious learning years to this agenda riddled, money making scheme called common core. It is not a political issue to parents who see the confusion and stress caused by common core. It is not an academic exercise to teachers who can no longer teach each child in the best way possible. Jeb Bush’s nuanced answer is not just another ploy of political gamesmanship; it goes to his fundamental philosophy of government The director of APIA Education, Emmett McGroarty, said they graded Jeb Bush with an “F” on education because “Mr. Bush has been unapologetic in pushing these standards into the states”, and that “Bush has done all this to the great detriment of children across the country.

Parents should not vote for someone who is hurting their children. So until Jeb Bush, uses his influence to actually stop common core instead of keeping common core, then it is our duty to see he never rises to the highest office in the nation.


The Debate

AP Fact Check: Which GOP Candidates Veered From the Truth in First Debate? | Video | TheBlaze.com Associated Press; curated by Liz Klimas, theblaze.com, "http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/08/07/ap-fact-check-which-gop-candidates-veered-from-the-truth-in-first-debate/", 8/20/2015 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans seeking their party's 2016 presidential nomination have the challenging task of trying to stand out among the 17 candidates in the race, and Thursday's televised debate was the first opportunity for the party to start whittling down its choices. So it's no surprise that the...

Jeb Bush -- Common Core Answer at the Debate Leaves us Confused | National Review Online Stanley Kurtz, August 10, 2015, Nationalreview.com, "http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/422323/jebs-misleading-talk-common-core-stanley-kurtz", 8/20/2015 Jeb Bush’s Common Core answer on Thursday's debate was well-practiced, yet profoundly misleading.

Bush Disappoints Common Core Moms (and Dads) in Debate Emmett McGroarty, thepulse2016.com, "http://thepulse2016.com/emmett-mcgroarty/2015/08/09/bush-disappoints-common-core-moms-and-dads-in-debate/", 8/20/2015 When Jeb Bush was asked to defend his support of Common Core he glosses over that he has a long history of defending Common Core and federal involvement in it.

Bush, Rubio spar over Common Core State Standards in GOP debate - The Washington Post Emma Brown, Washingtonpost.com "http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/education/wp/2015/08/07/bush-rubio-spar-over-common-core-state-standards-in-gop-debate/", 8/20/2015 Bush, who supports the Common Core, walked a delicate line he has held since the standards became poisonous in GOP circles.

Bush’s Common Core obfuscation | Power Line Paul Mirengoff, powerlineblog.com , "http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/08/bushs-common-core-obfuscation.php", 8/19/2015 Many informed voters who watched Thursday’s GOP presidential debate may have come away confused about Jeb Bush’s stance on education. Bush is known to be a supporter of Common Core. Yet there he was insisting that the federal government shouldn’t be involved in creating educational standards.

Federal Footprint all over common core

Former education commissioner blasts Common Core process Valerie Strauss, February 13, 2013, Washingtonpost.com "http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2013/02/13/former-education-commissioner-blasts-common-core-process/", 8/19/2015 A year after rocking the ed world by blasting standardized testing, Robert Scott, the former ed commissioner of Texas, now goes after the Common Core State Standards.

Obama’s disregard for those pesky things called laws - The Washington Post George Will, March 9, 2012, Washingtonpost.com, "https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obamas-disregard-for-those-pesky-things-called-laws/2012/03/08/gIQAHIA61R_story.html", 8/21/2015 policies of the Obama administration illustrate an axiom: As government expands, its lawfulness contracts.

Collectivists Common Core Standards Funded By Gates and Department of Educations — Videos | Pronk Palisades Raymond Pronk, 2013/10/02, raymondpronk.wordpress.com, "https://raymondpronk.wordpress.com/2013/10/02/collectivists-common-core-standards-funded-by-gates-and-department-of-educations-videos/", 8/20/2015 The Common Core Documentary Reaction To Jeb Bush And Common Core

George F. Will on Common Core | COMMON CORE wordpress.com, 2014/01/17 "https://whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com/2014/01/17/george-f-will-on-common-core/", 8/20/2015 Many newspapers, including the Deseret News, carried an op-ed this week by George Will about Common Core. (George F. Will is one of the most widely recognized writers in the world who works with more than 450 newspapers, has a biweekly Newsweek column, and makes frequent political television commentary appearances.) He wrote: "Viewed from Washington,…

HSLDA: Common Core Issues | Topic Papers October 3, 2014, hslda.org, "http://www.hslda.org/commoncore/topic3.aspx", 8/19/2015

IS THE US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW BY DIRECTING STANDARDS, TESTS, AND CURRICULA? - Pioneer Institute Editorial Staff, February 9, 2012, Pioneer Institute, "http://pioneerinstitute.org/education/is-the-us-department-of-education-violating-federal-law-by-directing-standards-tests-and-curricula/" , 8/20/2015 Despite three federal laws that prohibit federal departments or agencies from directing, supervising or controlling elementary and secondary school curricula, programs of instruction and instructional materials, the U.S. Department of Education (“Department”) has placed the nation on the road to a national curriculum, according to a new report written by a former general counsel and former deputy general counsel of the United States Department of Education.

Jeb Bush Knows About Federal Involvement In Common Core.

Jeb Bush and Joel Klein: The Case for Common Educational Standards - WSJ Jeb Bush and Joel Klein, June 23, 2011, www.wsj.com "http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304070104576399532217616502" , 8/20/2015 In The Wall Street Journal, Jeb Bush and Joel Klein writein favor of the Common Core State Standards

Emmett McGroarty, Author at The Pulse 2016 Emmett McGroarty, thepulse2016.com "http://thepulse2016.com/author/emmett-mcgroarty/", 8/19/2015 In our Common Core report card, we graded Jeb Bush and all of the GOP candidates based on the three following criteria: fighting the Common Core, protecting state and local decision-making on education, and defending child and family privacy.

It’s August 2015, and Jeb Bush Doesn’t Know What Common Core Means Anymore - Dr. Rich Swier Mercedes Schneider, August 15, 2015, drrichswier.com, "http://drrichswier.com/2015/08/15/its-august-2015-and-jeb-bush-doesnt-know-what-common-core-means-anymore/", 8/19/2015 Jeb Bush is trying to distance himself from Common Core. He is avoiding using the term, and when he was asked about Common Core while campaigning in Iowa on Friday, August 14, 2015, Bush responded, “The term Common Core is so darned poisonous, I don’t even know what it means anymore.”

Bush Foundation Promoting Common Education Standards Online, On Air | StateImpact Florida John O'Connor, March 19, 2014, Stateimpact.npr.org "https://stateimpact.npr.org/florida/2014/03/19/bush-foundation-promoting-common-education-standards-online-on-air/", 8/20/2015 The education foundation founded by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has launched a new web site and advertising campaign to support the Common Core math and language arts standards facing criticism in many states.

White House was ‘grateful’ to Jeb Bush for helping with Common Core, says former Obama aide - The Washington Post Valerie Strauss, August 8, 2015, washingtonpost.com, "http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2015/08/08/white-house-was-grateful-to-jeb-bush-for-helping-with-common-core-says-former-obama-aide/", 8/19/2015 This can't be a tweet that Jeb Bush is going to like.

Who is behind common core

Pulling Back the Curtain on Common Core | TheBlaze.com Sandra Stotsky & Jane Robbins, June 27, 2013, theblaze.com "http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/pulling-back-the-curtain-on-common-core/", 8/20/2015 Common Core’s national K-12 standards, in English language arts (ELA) and math, supposedly emerged from a state-led process in which experts, educators, and parents were well represented. But the people who wrote the standards did not represent the most important stakeholders.

Indoctrination and Data Mining in Common Core: Here’s Why America’s Schools May Be in More Trouble Than You Think | Video | TheBlaze.com Tiffany Gabbay, Mach. 27, 2013, theBlaze.com "http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/27/indoctrination-and-data-mining-in-common-core-heres-why-americas-schools-may-be-in-more-trouble-than-you-think/", 8/20/2015 One of the most troubling aspects of this federal program is that government bureaucrats are currently mining sensitive and highly personal information on children through Common Core’s tracking system. The data will then reportedly be sold by the government to outside sources for profit.

A Brief Audit of Bill Gates Common Core Spending | Mercedes Schneider Mercedes Schneider , 08/29/2013, huffingtonpost.com "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mercedes-schneider/a-brief-audit-of-bill-gat_b_3837421.html", 8/20/2015 Bill Gates likes Common Core. So, he is purchasing it. In doing so, Gates demonstrates (sadly so) that when one has enough money, one can purchase fundamentally democratic institutions....

The Hand That Holds the Data Rules the World | educationalchemy June 18, 2012, educationalchemy.com, "http://educationalchemy.com/2012/06/18/the-hand-that-holds-the-data-rules-the-world/", 8/22/2015 The title of this piece is a play on the old phrase “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” Why? Because in this era of unfettered free-market wheeling and dealing to profit the Masters of the Universe at the expense of the rest of us, the key players in education reform know all…

A Funders’ Guide to the Common Core State Standards | deutsch29 Common Core Funders Working Group, deutsch29.wordpress, August 11, 2015, "https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/2015/08/11/a-funders-guide-to-the-common-core-state-standards/", 8/20/2015 In fall 2012, three philanthropic mega-organizations, Education Funder Strategy Group, Grantmakers for Education, and Growth Philanthropy Network, united to form the Common Core Funders Working Group (CCFWG). The goal of this mega-mega philanthropic machine is to cement Common Core into American public education. Here is a description of the purpose of CCFWG as noted in December 2013

Common Core: A Scheme to Rewrite Education Alex Newman, , 08 August 2013, thenewamerican.com, "http://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/education/item/16192-common-core-a-scheme-to-rewrite-education", 8/20/2015

Gates Money and Common Core -- Part V | Mercedes Schneider Mercedes Schneider, 11/29/201, huffingtonpost.com, "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mercedes-schneider/gates-money-and-common-co_3_b_3986424.html", 8/20/2015 This post is the fifth in a series on Bill Gates' funding of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). As of September 22, 2013, Gates has spent $173.5 million expressly for CCSS according to the Gates grants search engine.

How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution - The Washington Post Lyndsey Layton, June 7, 2014, washingtonpost.com, "http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-bill-gates-pulled-off-the-swift-common-core-revolution/2014/06/07/a830e32e-ec34-11e3-9f5c-9075d5508f0a_story.html", 8/20/2015 After he bought into proposal to reform education nationwide, his money brought most states running.

Common core State Led?

Common Core is State-Led? Hardly! | American Principles Project Sandra Stotsky & Jane Robbins, June 28, 2013, Americanprinciplesproject.org, "https://americanprinciplesproject.org/app-education/common-core-is-state-led-hardly/", 8/20/2015

Myths Versus Facts | Truth in American Education 2015, Truthinamericaneducation.com "http://truthinamericaneducation.com/common-core-state-standards/myths-verses-facts/", 8/19/2015 How the federal Goverment is involved in common c ore

Who Wrote the Common Core? | Hoosiers Against Common Core Erin Tuttle , February 15, 2013, Hoosiersagainstcommoncore.com, "http://hoosiersagainstcommoncore.com/who-wrote-the-common-core/", 8/19/2015 I have copied the names of the people involved in writing, giving feedback and validating the Common Core Math Standards released by the non-profit, DC based Achieve

‘State-Led’ Common Core Pushed by Federally Funded Nonprofit | Heartlander Magazine Joy Pullmann, April 24, 2013, heartland.org, "http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2013/04/24/state-led-common-core-pushed-federally-funded-nonprofit", 8/19/2015 Approximately half of NGA’s tax-provided revenue comes from the feds, and the other half from membership dues states pay. In its latest financial statement showing $16.9 million in total revenue for 2011-2012, $4.9 million of that came from the feds, $5.5 from states, and another $3 million from corporate sponsors.

Jeb Bush's Education Miracle?

Florida Board of Education votes 4-3 to pad school grades | Tampa Bay Times Jeffrey S. Solochek, Times Staff Writer, July 16, 2013, "http://www.tampabay.com/news/education/k12/florida-board-of-education-approves-school-grade-formula-change-again/2131681", 8/19/2015 Florida school grades are due by late July, but their validity will be in serious doubt this year.

Equipping Florida Parents to Expose Jeb Bush's Florida Education 'Miracle' | Mercedes Schneider Mercedes Schneider, 03/06/2014, bigstory.ap.org, huffingtonpost.com "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mercedes-schneider/jeb-bush-florida_b_4913631.html", 8/20/2015 The Jeb Bush Florida Education "Miracle" is a sham, Florida parents. Tell all who will listen that you know so.

AP Exclusive: GOP donors school grade changed TOM LoBIANCO , Jul. 30, 2013, Bigstory.ap.org, "http://bigstory.ap.org/article/ap-exclusive-gop-donors-school-grade-changed", 8/19/2015 IINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Former Indiana and current Florida schools chief Tony Bennett built his national star by promising to hold "failing" schools accountable. But when it appeared an Indianapolis charter school run by a prominent Republican donor might receive a poor grade, Bennett's education team frantically overhauled his signature "A-F" school grading system to improve the school's marks.

Why Jeb Bush's "opt out" statement is misleading.

Obama Administration Punishes Oklahoma for Repealing Common Core Standards - Breitbart Susan Berry, 28 Aug 2014, Breitbart.com, "http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/08/28/obama-administration-punishes-oklahoma-for-repealing-common-core-standards/", 8/19/2015 The U.S. Department of Education (USED) has punished the state of Oklahoma for repealing the Common Core standards and reverting to its previous academic standards by rescinding the state's waiver from No Child Left Behind (NCLB), making it the second state ever to lose its waiver from the law.

Feds threaten to punish Indiana for dropping out of Common Core - EAGnews.org Victor Skinner, May 7, 2014, eagnews.org, "http://eagnews.org/feds-threaten-to-punish-indiana-for-dropping-out-of-the-common-core-experiment/", 8/19/2015 Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary powered by Education Action Group Foundation

Arne Duncan Attaches More Strings to NCLB Waiver Renewals - Politics K-12 - Education Week Michele McNeil, August 29, 2013, blogs.edweek.org, "http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/campaign-k-12/2013/08/barring_reauthorization_this_m.html", 8/19/2015 The U.S. Department of Education is expecting states to up the ante on teacher quality if they want another two years of flexibility under No Child Left Behind Act waivers.

Jeb Bush Foundation's Links to Policymakers, Companies Draws Fire | EdSurge News Valerie Strauss, February 26, 2013, washingtonpost.com, "https://www.edsurge.com/n/2013-02-05-jeb-bush-under-scrutiny-for-links-with-policymakers-and-corporations", 8/19/2015 CONNECTING DOTS FOR A FEE: Jeb Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE) came under scrutiny last week after the nonprofit watchdog, In the Public Interest, released thousands of emails detailing conversations involving the organization, its corporate donors, and state education policy

Common Core kept in Florida, Thanks to Jeb and Friends

Florida outlaws Local District Final Exams 2015, "Foundation For Florida's Future " (Jeb Bush's advocacy company), "http://www.afloridapromise.org/Pages/Session_2015/Fewer_Better_Tests.aspx", 8/21/2015 Fewer, Better Tests

Fact Checking the Bush Foundations' Rebuttals | Florida Stop Common Core Coalition June 26, 2013, flstopcccoalition.org, "http://www.flstopcccoalition.org/blog/fact-checking-bush-foundations-rebuttals/", 8/19/2015 Former governor Jeb Bush's two foundations, The Foundation for Florida's Future and the Foundation for Excellence in Education, are constantly putting out rebuttals or their version of

Jeb Bush Pushes Common Core As Extension Of His FL School Reforms, Enrages Grassroots "http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/07/16/Jeb-Bush-Pushes-Common-Core-As-Extension-Of-His-Florida-School-Reforms", 8/17/2015 As the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush (R) was known for improving his state’s public schools. Now, however, his ardent support for the Common Core standards has stoked the wrath of grassroots groups of constitutional conservatives and led to a second look at his prior education “accomplishments.”

Florida Legislature should expand standardized testing to private schools receiving school vouchers - tribunedigital-sunsentinel Sun Sentinel Editorial Board, February 24, 2014, sun-sentinel.com, "http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2014-02-24/news/fl-editorial-testing-20140224_1_school-vouchers-gaetz-educational-choice", 8/19/2015 It's an educational fix long overdue. So give Florida Senate President Don Gaetz credit for insisting that private schools that receive state-supported vouchers administer the same accountability

Renaming common core standards - Bush: Florida Standards “Not Substantially Different” From Common Core | StateImpact Florida John O'Connor, August 15, 2014, stateimpact.npr.org, "https://stateimpact.npr.org/florida/2014/08/15/jeb-bush-florida-standards-not-substantially-different-from-common-core/", 8/19/2015 Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush hit the campaign trail with current Gov. Rick Scott on Friday. Bush has been one of the nation's most prominent supporters of the Common Core math and language arts standards adopted by dozens of states, including Florida. Scott? Not so much. After initially supporting the standards, Scott withdrew support for the federally-funded exams

Common Core Mandated as final exams in Florida

Florida: Bill introduced to reduce Common Core mandated testing - But does it? - Dr. Rich Swier Chris Quackenbush, February 4, 2015, Drichswier.com, "http://drrichswier.com/2015/02/04/florida-bill-introduced-reduce-common-core-mandated-testing/", 8/21/2015 Florida State Senator John Legg has presented a new bill February 2, 2015 with much fanfare, Education Accountability - SB 616. Like most other efforts by

Senate Bill 0616 (2015) - The Florida Senate "https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2015/0616", 8/19/2015 This bill outlaws local or locally chosen test for a final exam or EOC, if the state has a statewide standardized test in that subject and grade level. This will force schools to adopt the curriculum aligned with the state mandated tests. Common core will spread to every subject that the state chooses. Local school districts, parents and teachers will be powerless to evaluate their own students. From CS/CS/SB 616 bill analysis. The commissioner is required to design and implement a statewide, standardized assessment program that is aligned to the core curricular content established in the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and the Florida Standards. Participation in the assessment program is mandatory for all school districts and all students attending public schools, including adult students seeking a standard high school diploma andstudents in Department of Juvenile Justice education programs, except as otherwise provided by law. Amends current law regarding mandatory assessments and progress monitoring by: Adding a requirement prohibiting administration of a local assessment if a statewide, standardized assessment is administered for the subject or grade level.

Common Core Not Better, Just More Expensive

Common Core Harms Kids, Early Childhood Expert Says Napp Nazworth, March 8, 2013, christianpost.com, "http://www.christianpost.com/news/common-core-harms-kids-early-childhood-expert-says-91457/", 8/20/2015 The Common Core State Standards Initiative had no input from early childhood experts or educators and will lead to serious harm for the nation's kindergarten through third grade students, Dr. Nancy Carlsson-Paige, an expert on early childhood education, told The Christian Post Thursday.

A tough critique of Common Core on early childhood education - The Washington Post Valerie Strauss, January 29, 2013, washingtonpost.com, "http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2013/01/29/a-tough-critique-of-common-core-on-early-childhood-education/", 8/19/2015 Two early childhood experts argue that the Common Core Standards ignore research on child development.

How does Common Core compare? - The Hechinger Report Sarah Garland, October 15, 2013, HechingerReport.org, "http://hechingerreport.org/how-does-common-core-compare/", 8/19/2015 A major requirement for the Common Core State Standards was that they be internationally benchmarked. But there has been debate about how well the standards match those of countries like Singapore.

We Must Immediately Kill That Which Is Harming Our Children | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show "http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/06/22/we-must-immediately-kill-that-which-is-harming-our-children/", 8/20/2015

The State of State Standards—and the Common Core—in 2010 | The Thomas B. Fordham Institute Sheila Byrd Carmichael, W. Stephen Wilson, Sheila Byrd, Kathleen Porter-Magee, Gabrielle Martino, July 21, 2010, EdExellence.net "http://edexcellence.net/publications/the-state-of-state-of-standards-and-the-common-core-in-2010.html", 8/19/2015 A study done by the bankroller of common core, Bill Gates, showed that Florida's English Language Arts Standards ranked about the same as common core's and Florida's Math ranked higher.

Why Does jeb Bush Support Common Core?

Florida | ITPI | In the Public Interest "http://www.inthepublicinterest.org/florida/", 8/22/2015 Note: Correspondence files below the following summary.Major Highlights:Florida Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson and Department of Education staff called

Michelle Malkin | Rotten to the Core: Jeb Bush’s Crony Republicans Against Higher Standards Michelle Malkin, August 2, 2013, michellemalkin.com, "http://michellemalkin.com/2013/08/02/rotten-to-the-core-jeb-bushs-crony-republicans-against-higher-standards/", 8/20/2015 Rotten to the Core: Jeb Bush's Crony Republicans Against Higher Standards

Awarded Grants - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grants-Database, August 15 2015, gatesfoundation.org "http://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=%22Foundation%20for%20Excellence%20in%20Education%20Inc%22", 8/20/2015 Jeb Bush's "Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc." received over 5 million dollars to support common core (College-Ready) in the U.S. and around the world (Global Policy & Advocacy). Additional grants were given for the foundations operating expenses. Bill Gates, who signed an agreement with UNESCO to promote a one world education system. The Agreement states that the Syllabus will "form the basis for deriving training content to be delivered to teachers," and "UNESCO will explore how to facilitate content development."

E-Mails Show Jeb Bush Foundation Lobbied For Businesses, Including One Tied To Bush | The Nation Feb 5, 2013, edsurge.com, "http://www.thenation.com/article/e-mails-show-jeb-bush-foundation-lobbied-businesses-including-one-tied-bush/", 8/19/2015 Newly released e-mails show former governor Jeb Bush's foundation quietly promoted his corporate partners, including a company he's invested in.

Another E-mail Trail: Jeb Bush’s Foundation and Ed Privatization | Nonprofit Quarterly Rick Cohen, February 4, 2013, nonprofitquarterly.org, "http://nonprofitquarterly.org/2013/02/04/another-e-mail-trail-jeb-bushs-foundation-and-ed-privatization/", 8/19/2015 The nonprofit group In the Public Interest point to e-mails from Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education that shed light on how philanthropy interacts with public school systems.

Jeb Bush Foundation Under Fire for Conflicts | Diane Ravitchs blog Diane Ravitch, February 1, 2013, dianeravitch.net, "http://dianeravitch.net/2013/02/01/jeb-bush-foundation-under-fire-for-conflicts/", 8/19/2015 Coach Bob Sikes reports here that Jeb Bush's Foundation for Educational Excellence is under fire by groups who claim that it is promoting the for-profit interests of its corporate sponsors. The Bush foundation, which presumably has a tax exemption, claims that 90% of its funding comes from philanthropic donors, not corporations. This investigation in Maine…

Jeb Bushs Education Foundation Under Fire For Lobbying For Laws That Benefit Corporate Donors William March, 03/03/2013 , Huffingtonpost.com, "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/03/jeb-bush-education-foundation_n_2802536.html", 8/20/2015 TAMPA -- Lobbyists are not allowed to finance perks like trips for state officials, but those at the Foundation for Excellence in Education get around that ban by being registered to another foundation run by Jeb Bush.

Safari Woman
Great blog thanks!!!!!!!
  • August 22, 2015
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Robert Kenard
Great stuff.
  • August 22, 2015
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Walter D.
I don't know what happened to Jeb. He was a pretty good Governor.
  • August 23, 2015
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Joseph Ryan
I remember him as a good Governor too, but after looking into his two terms he did almost nothing to advance the cause of liberty, was financially irresponsible, and created a whole new layer of government control on our kids education.
The reason you hear very little negative about jeb is because he...
  • September 9, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
If you want your children to be stupid, send them to public school. That is now all it's geared to produce.
  • August 31, 2015
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I won't be voting for Jeb.
  • September 26, 2015
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