Quiz and personality test sites are collecting information related to your answers and applying them to other info collected by others about your ip address. These sites make money from data mining. It is sold to others and makes up information about you and your interests. Your information goes for sure to marketers and God only knows who else. People who play them regularly have quite the psychological profile built up somewhere. The data collected goes along with your search engine searches, visits to most web site pages where ads tag your ip and save it, thus indicating the types of sites you visit, a record of anything you've bought registers your purchasing habits on line most usually. These things are compiled along with your public records such as in the state, city or county data bases. Public records include name, address, phone number and so forth. It may also include very personal things like where your children go to school and the names of teams they play on. There is no limit to the information that is collected by bots that spy on internet users. People who share ips, like families, are not differentiated because they don't "know" who is doing what but it still registers the info with the ip.

I don't do these for that reason. If I really wanted to, I would install Tor browser and visit those sites from there. Tor routes users through a different ip.

Remember the biggest income producing aspect of the internet is information collecting about users. It's the gold mine of the internet.

but I heard that Tir was compromised????


  • May 6, 2015
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Safari Woman
It may be compromised and if I were someone trying to hide my visits or online activity from the government or anyone spying on me from the origination point I wouldn't count on it. However, it is a quick simple way to visit websites and their ability to read which ip is visiting will still only rec...
  • May 6, 2015
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Mark Bailey
Now you tell me. I just did a personality quiz on what kind of tomato I am.
  • May 6, 2015
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Safari Woman
lol Lemme guess... Big boy?
  • May 7, 2015
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Mark Bailey
  • May 7, 2015
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Safari Woman
  • May 27, 2015
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