My Lucky Wanda Story of the day - A hacker broke into my other web site and stole an auto responder response sending it as spam to hundreds maybe thousands of addresses. On this spam naturally included the addresses the auto responder was sending to which happen to be the two primary addresses that I use and as is associated with that site. I've used one of those addressses since 1999 and it is on multitudes of published items.

Hundreds of failed addresses have bounced back so far. I have the site tech working on it and don't know the details beyond that yet. BUT if this continunes or if the two primary addresses it hacked start being abused with either more mails out or more mails coming in as spam - then I will have to change these two addresses on the server and on almost a hundred connecting accounts as well as send out hundreds of notices to friends, family and associates of the address changes.


I can't take too much more of this good luck! I'm already so behind it isn't funny.

Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
You really are having a run, aren't ya? I'll say a little prayer for you.
  • April 4, 2015
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thank you! Any chance you would also meet me at the C&C and buy a girl a drink? lol (Grasping at the laugh at adversity tactic!)
  • April 4, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Heck, I'd buy you a drink anytime.
  • April 4, 2015
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R Potts
You really are on a roll. lol That's nasty business having to change email addresses. My yahoo was hacked and it didn't go to anything important but it was still a nightmare to switch out and make changes.
  • April 4, 2015
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